Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Month of November

I'm a little behind on updating this thing. October ended with Kelcie and her friend, Julie coming to see me at The Beef. Actually, it was my last night working there. My dad found out that I wasn't really making that much at The Beef and talked to his boss. So, I've been working over at Akraturn for about a month and a week. I freakin' hate it, but the pay's even better than the last time that I worked there. When I worked there for the summer back in 2007, I was in the grinding department. I was great at it. Well, Akraturn moved to a different spot earlier, this year. Not all the departments have made the move, yet. The grinding department's one of them. I've been in the CNC Mills department for the most part. Once in a while, I'll have to go over to my dad's department if they have nothing for me. When the grindind department moves to where we are, I'm hoping that I'll be able to work over there. The rest of The Ultimate Fighter Season didn't really change much. Rashad and Quentin were in each other's faces all the time, Team Rashad kept on dominating, and Kimbo Slice never got a second chance. Only one of Quentin's fighters advanced in the competition. He made it to the semi-finals before one of Rashad's fighters knocked him out. It was an all-Team Rashad final and Roy Nelson won to become the Season 10 Ultimate Fighter. Now, Rashad and Quentin were supposed to fight, next Saturday. However, Quentin retired from the UFC, last week. After talking all of that trash and being a complete hypocrite, he's not even going to try ot back it up. That's extremely disappointing. Next Season, Chuck Lidell and Tito Ortiz will be the coaches. For Thanksgiving, I went to Florida with my mom and dad. I haven't been to Florida in four years. The weather was nice. I don't really like cold weather. It was nice to see my grandmother, my aunt, and my uncle. We didn't go to the beach or went swimming. We went to dinner a few times. Dad, my uncle, and I went to the dog track one night. That was fun. When we came back home, I wanted to hop a plane right back to Florida. That was pretty-much November. Kelcie's been hanging out with me again. Her and Julie usually come to hang out. A few weeks ago, they stayed the night at my place. I hung out with them on Friday. Kelcie and Julie will be on winter break soon, so I'm sure I'll be hanging out with them a lot, this month. Her, Julie, my friend Paco, and I went to The Beef for dinner this past Saturday. After that, we went to Wal-Mart just out of boredom. Paco was annoying Kelcie a little bit, so she asked if I'd like to look at clothes with her. I said sure. She vented a little bit about Paco being annoying and I just said he was acting a little weird. I usually don't hang out with Paco. After this past Saturday, I'm not sure if I really wanna hang out with him again. He's not a bad guy, but he's very opinionated. Anyways, Kelcie thanked me for taking them out to dinner. Then, she said that when she gets a job in the summer, she's taking ME out to dinner for a change. I normally wouldn't let any girl pay for me for anything, but I dunno... I think I just might let her. She gave me a huge hug after we were done hanging out and thanked me for everything. Christmas will be here in a few weeks. She's definitely one of the people that I plan on getting a gift for. Now that I have this job, I'm back to being who I used to be. I feel a lot better than I did over the summer. Dad and I actually have conversations that aren't about how I'm such a freakin' failure. We're back to being how we were before I screwed up at Cortland. The end of 2009's been better than the beginning of it. I have a good feeling about 2010. Even though, I'm doing alright at Akraturn and the pay's better than most of the jobs I've had, I'm looking for something else, so I can get out of there. I don't wanna be there forever and I'm worried that I'll end up like my dad. He ended up making a career out of that place and he hates it over there too. I need to start writing again too. I'm gonna try to keep up with this thing more often. I have several plans that I intend to put into motion in the next few weeks. Although my life's improved over the last few weeks, I still wanna improve it a little. There's still more I can do. Finally, there's a light at the other side of the tunnel. It was just a long-ass tunnel.