Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Favorite Girl

I've been pretty busy these past few months. Christmas didn't really feel like Christmas, New Year's was alright. I saw both Seth and Cody on New Year's Eve. I couldn't hit either of them, because it was Seth's birthday and there were police everywhere. I forget where Kelcie was, but I should've gone and hung out with her. Instead, I hung out with Denna and her boyfriend from California. Yeah... another long distance relationship that she's in. Apparently, she didn't learn her lesson the first time. Oh well, it doesn't really matter. I also hung out with Danny on New Year's Eve. I still hate my job. In fact, after this week, I'm looking to find a new job. I will have worked there for three months. Although, the pay is good and everything, I need to get out of there. I've been drinking a lot since working there. Two weeks ago, dad and I stopped at a bar almost every night of the week. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, we were drinking. There was one Friday night that we stopped at this bar in Johnson City and a bunch of people from work were there. That was a fun time. There's someone that works at Akraturn that knows Kelcie very well. She told me that her and her parents have had conversations about me that were all about good things. Speaking of Kelcie, she's now 21 years old and she calls me weekly. Wednesday, her, Julie, and a guy that I work with, went to Thirsty's. After that, we met my dad at the bowling alley. Kelcie's dating one of my friends from a few years back. He's not a bad guy, but he's not me. Well, she was flirting with me at the bowling alley. When I walked her and Julie out to her car, she gave me a kiss that I normally wouldn't get. Friday, her, her boyfriend, Julie, her sister, and me went out to dinner. Most of us were dressed up. Julie's sister wasn't. During dinner, her boyfriend went up to the bar to talk to someone. Kelcie leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek. Wednesday and Friday night, she told me several times that she loves me. Kelcie has a special place in her heart for me that I didn't even know was there. Kelcie said that I saved her life over the summer. Her boyfriend said that I was in almost every story that she ever told him. She said that I was her best friend. Out of everyone that went out to dinner on Friday, the only one that she really cared about having a good time was me. I had no idea that I meant that much to her. Saturday, Robin and I delivered her wedding dress to her. Long story about that one. Anyway, Robin noticed that Kelcie looked at me differently than she did her boyfriend or anyone else. Kelcie has this wink that she only does with me. Robin said she felt that Kelcie and I have this connection that no one else has. Unfortunately, Kelcie's not single anymore. I have everyone and their brother telling me that doesn't matter. I'm not so sure about that. Kelcie means the world to me and I'd love to be the one to make her happy, but if there's someone else that's making her happy, then it would be selfish of me to interfere in that. After that Wednesday that I hung out with her, I felt like a million bucks on Thursday. I was working at a place that I hate with a passion, but I knew I'd see her on Friday, so it didn't matter. Robin said that's how I should know there's a connection. It doesn't matter what kind of day either of us have. Just hanging out together, makes any bad day into a good one. Kelcie had a rough summer or so she thought. It wasn't until she stopped and looked back on it, that she realized that her summer actually wasn't all that bad, because her and I did so many things together. I probably should have been doing more active things over the summer like get a job, pay the bills I have, look for my own place. Instead, I was making sure I was always available if she needed me. I was always there. The price that I paid was that my dad was always on my case. Him and I had a few arguments over the summer. Kelcie appreciates that. I'm her hero. I remember growing up that's what I wanted to be. Of course the image changed from when I was a kid, but I still wanted to be a hero in some way. As rough as Kelcie's summer was, it was also not that great for me as well. I had my father on my case and I felt like a loser. Hell, I was a loser. Kelcie didn't think so. We'd help get rid of each other's misery. When I was hanging out with her, I didn't feel like a loser. Well... that one date that she had to drive to the restaraunt, I did feel like a loser then. But, other than that, I didn't feel like a loser. I felt like I was needed. I was always the first person she'd call if she needed someone to talk to. If I didn't answer my cell phone, she'd call my friends to see where I was. I'd do anything it took to get her to smile. She told me that she appreciated everything that I've done for her. When we were at this bar on Friday, I let her buy me a drink. I usually don't let girls do that, but I let her. She can get away with things like that. Then again, I'm sure there are things she lets me do that she won't let anyone else. I'm gonna see if she wants to watch a movie with Danny and me on Friday. I'll probably call her to see if she wants to chill with me at the bowling alley on Wednesday too. Although, she may be taken by someone, she's still my best friend. She already said that we'd still be hanging out. That's all I can really ask for, really.