Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Good Times Now And The Good Times Then.

This month's had it's ups and downs. The places that I owe money to, have been hounding me almost every day. I had to pay $779.58 on the brakes and brake lines to my car. The weather hasn't been that great, so I only got to drive it twice. Last weekend, I went to the 2CW show. Cory, his girlfriend, and Ryan went with me. That was a blast. Ryan and I were screaming at all the bad guys. One of them spit his gum out at me. I started chanting ECPW when the promoter (also a wrestler) came out. He acknowledged me, so hopefully there's a full house on March 12th when they come back. Still, there really are some dumbass fans in Binghamton. Two guys threw their beer at two different wrestlers. Honestly, how stupid or drunk were these guys? When I was cursing out the wrestler that spit out his gum at me, the guy that makes sure the fans don't get hurt, said to us, "I know you guys won't jump the barricade." That's because we know it's just a damn show. If I were to have seen that wrestler after the show, I'd have shook his hand and thanked him for entertaining me. Then, on that Sunday, Kelcie called me. She asked if I wanted to hang out and go to the mall. So, I got ready and drove over to get her. I still need to get used to driving. I was too damn nervous. I calmed down after a while and I did alright. Kelcie and I were supposed to go to this bar on Friday, but we got a huge snow storm that lasted two days. So, I didn't go. A couple weeks ago, my dad, Mike Mcgreal who works with us, and I went to this bar called the Hitchin' Post. That's where the luncheon was held after my grandfather's funeral. It was a fun time, but at one point, Mike went to talk to someone. This short dude pushed him out the door and wanted to fight him. Mom and I saw what was going on. She told my dad to get out there and stop it. I followed him out. As soon as we got out there, everyone backed off. We went back inside and enjoyed the rest of the night. At one point, an old neighbor of ours came. Her husband used to work at Akraturn for a few months back when it was in Kirkwood. That was back in 2007. She talked to my mom and dad at one side of the bar. I was just hanging out with my cousins and Mike on the other end. Mike asked me "who's the blonde talking with your mom?" I looked over. "Noooo! That can't be her!" I said out loud. I haven't seen her, since her and her husband moved out of Harpursville. I didn't think it was her, so I went back to talking with Mike. Well, she came over to where I was and gave me a huge hug. We talked for a little bit, then I introduced her to Mike. They say hello, then she says in front of him and my mom, "if I weren't married, this would be my guy." referring to me. That was an ego-booster. Things at Akraturn continue to get progressively worse. Now, my dad's on mandatory overtime. I'm not on it, because I'm in the assembly department. I saw that BCC Maintenance has a full-time spot open. I'm definitely putting my resume in for that. I need to get the hell out of there. This week, Kara's been putting up pictures from 2008 of all of us. Those days are long gone, but I think I know what she's getting at. She misses the old gang. I hang out with several circles of friends. In that particular circle, it was Abby, Kara, Robin, Johnny, me, a couple others. Now, Kara and Abby don't talk to Robin. Johnny broke up with Robin and apparently likes men now. I'm still around, but I'm just sort of doing my own thing. Even Da Boys and I don't hang out like we used to. Mike Sisson, Dan and Chris Reynolds, Dilly, Steve Clark, and me. We used to be a band of brothers. Then, Bridgette Taylor entered the picture and now I hardly see them. Sisson disappeared for a little bit, came back, and now he's just sort of idle. Then, there was Cody Marshal, Danny, and all them. It's no secret about what happened there. It's down to just Danny and me. Cody pissed a lot of people off including me and he only hangs out with a select few people. Although, I belonged to all of those circles, (not so much Cody's anymore), I'm sort of just sticking with my own circle. It's just me, Danny, and Kelcie. That seems to be my crew, now. Then, there was my Owego crew. Seth and his family. I don't miss Seth as much as I miss Aaron, Marcy, and all them. Seth just never progressed like he should have. I don't miss Cody at all. Denna told me that he misses all of us, though. Well, too damn bad. He made his choice when he did all that crap to Kelcie. As for Abby, Kara, and all them, I wish things were still good between everybody. It'd make things a lot easier on me. Talking to Robin anymore is just depressing. Kelcie's finally happy. She finally moved on. It's good to see her smile and know that it's for real. It's not just a fake one that she threw on, because she was thinking of that asshole. I'm starting to evolve like I should've years ago. I still want more and I still want better. I'll get to where I wanna be. I'm predicting within a year, I'll be totally happy with everything. I'm almost there. I just gotta keep doing what I'm doing and I'll be alright.