Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hell on Earth

In the beginning of May, one of my bosses wanted to get rid of me. His claim was that my work ethnic wasn't up to par. The real reason: he doesn't like my dad and the feeling's mutual. However, three people stuck up for me, so I could still have a job. My supervisor, the salesman, and Doug Gardner. Oh yeah, dad exploding on them, probably had something to do with it too. Just like the other months, this one wasn't any different. I hung out with Kelcie a few times, but it just feels like things aren't like they were. Jon's back in the picture and I'm none too happy about that. I'm just waiting for him to scew up again. Last Wednesday, I went over to Kelcie's to hang out. Well, he was there in the kitchen. I glared at him and went into the living room. I wanted to beat the holy hell out of him for what he did to Kelcie earlier, this year. Unfortunately, if I harm him, I jeopardize my friendship with Kelcie. I got in a huge argument with Robin about it. Things have cooled down with us a little, but there's still that tension whenever we talk now. Robin's another one that's driving me nuts. She's been acting ridiculous all year. She has cancer, but doesn't wanna have it treated. She claims she's being forced to get the surgery. "I'll never find love. I'll never find happiness," she's been whining for about a month and a half now. During the argument, I finally snapped and said, "well, with that attitude, you're never gonna find it. You're not doing a damn thing to find it." She flipped out, I flipped out back. It also doesn't help that she's not a big fan of Kelcie's. She was at first, but ever since Kelcie turned me down when I asked her out, Robin's been pretty cold towards her. I'm handling the situation like this: if they call me, I'll answer and talk to them. But, I'm through calling both of them. Kelcie and I will make plans for a certain day, then I'll call her only to find out she's busy or in the middle of something. Basically, translating to "I'm arguing with Jon, can't talk right now." So, I'm not calling her anymore. She'll call me if she needs me. Also, Danny's not doing that good either. Jay accused him of cheating on her with Robin. Um...HELL NO! Those two would clash if they ever got in a relationship. As friends, they're fine. But, if they tried to take it any further, it would end in disaster. Things were so bad on Thursday, I drove to Unadilla to Mike's place. Something stands out in my mind from last Thursday. When I got to Mike's, he was standing outside his door. Almost like he was expecting me to show up. When I got out of my car, he grinned and said, "holy shit, look who it is!" I walked over to him, not returning the smile. "I'm not happy," I said weakly. He asked what was up and I told him about my argument with Robin and the stuff going on with Kelcie. Mike calmed me down and I ended up spending a lot of my weekend over there. Danny's son's birthday was Saturday. Robin and I were still rocky, so I kept my distance. I got Danny's kid an Undertaker action figure. Until he got the bike from his grandparents, it was his favorite gift. He didn't let go of it UNTIL the bike came. I'm trying to get a new job, but with Colleges letting out, all those kids are gonna be snagging them. It's been a bit rough. I have Kelcie telling me one minute that she wants to get an apartment with me, then the next minute, she changes her mind. Now, she wants to get an apartment with me again, BUT she wants me to wait until she gets a job. I have no objection to living with her, but I can't wait forever. The rest of the month has consisted of me going to graduation, birthday, or welcome home from the air force parties. Sometimes, I've gone to two parties on the same day. This season of the Ultimate Fighter is boring. Now, Tito Ortiz is hurt and won't be able to face Chuck Lidell at the end of the season. Everything seems to be going to hell. It's all one big rollercoaster ride. Everything's going at break-neck speed up, down, forwards, backwards, twists, turns, spiraling, it never ends. I should be used to it by now. Right now, my game plan is to avoid everything that's bugging me and focus on becoming better than I am. I'm also looking for a good time while I'm at it. Hell, a party doesn't sound too bad right now. The parties at Danny's were epic back in the day. Those days are gone though. But, a couple years ago, those were some of the best times of my life. Everything was going great. Then, it just all went to hell. All good things come to an end. I know I say this at the end of every entry, but I hope that next month is better than this month. Somehow, I doubt it.