Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Difference A Year Can Make.

I know it's been a long time, since I updated this thing. I've been too busy to sit down and write up an update of everything that's going on. I can't believe I didn't mention it last year, but Kelcie ended up getting pregnant with Jon's baby. She had a baby girl. Jon hasn't changed at all. In fact, he's getting worse. She's had him arrested several times. The funny part is that he's trying to get custody of their daughter. He doesn't stand a chance. I finally made it out of the shop. I work in Kirkwood now at Willow Run Foods. At first, I was working a 2nd shift position. Mike Sisson told me about it, I filled out an application, had a job interview, and next thing I know, I have a new job. Well, 2nd shift didn't work out too well. So, they put me on a 3rd shift position. For the most part, I hate it. My co-workers don't really show me respect, the hours suck, and the job itself isn't any better. I'm a freakin' warehouse cleaner. Worst part is that my area is the freezer. A negative ten degrees. What's keeping me there is the fact that the benefits are amazing. Not to mention they have a 401K program and unlike the shop, this place actually shows their appreciation for their employees. I still go to a lot of indy wrestling shows. Keith Zimmer and some of the ECPW wrestlers broke away from Gino and tried to do their own thing. At first, everything was going good. Then, the promoter fired Keith and started went on a huge power trip. Keith went back to work for Gino and so far,they're crushing their competition. Over the past couple years, I got to know most of these guys personally. When I started going to these shows, I didn't think that I'd get a backstage pass into these guys' lives. I'm not complaining. Quite the opposite actually. I love the guys. Usually, it's very rare for a fan to be seen hanging out with pro wrestlers OUTSIDE of the ring. In my case, I'm an exception. Hell, they invite me to chill with them nine times out of ten. I occassionally go to Candor. Since Seth no longer lives there, it makes it a little bit easier to go there. It still acts like a haven for when things get intense. I went there the weekend before Halloween. Friday, it was drinking with Aaron and Marcy. It's been a while, since I've gotten hammered. Ever since I got my license, I don't drink as much as I used to, mainly because I have to drive home. Danny lives in Johnson City with his new girlfriend, so I can't really crash there. I could go to Mike's, but him and I work odd hours and our days off differ, so that's out. Candor/Owego's the only place I can really drink and have a place to stay. I usually end up being a designated driver for Kelcie. It's hard to believe that her and I have been friends for three years already. Again, that's another thing I didn't expect to happen. I didn't think that I'd become close with Kelcie when I first met her. Then again, I was all about Denna when I met her. I thought Denna was gonna be my girlfriend. Kelcie warned me about the games she plays, but it was too late. A year later, all that stuff went down between Kelcie and Marshal. That poor girl hasn't had it easy. The past couple years have been rough for her. People have either tried to kick her when she's down or they've stabbed her in the back. Everyone but me. Even when her and I weren't on the best of terms earlier this year, I didn't say a bad word about her. I just "washed my hands" or everything. I should've known that wouldn't last. A month went by and she ended up calling me. Not only was everything forgiven and forgotten, but things have been better than they ever were. As far as work goes, I'm starting to slowly earn the respect of my co-workers. At the shop, I pretty-much had it, but that was due to the fact that my dad worked there as well. Also, the shop had guys in their 30's and 50's working there. They were grown ass men. Most of the guys that work at Willow Run are in their early and mid 20's. The maturity level plays a huge factor. I'll be the first to admit I'm not the most mature person for being 26. But, I know when to back off. The boss is a bigger bully than Doug Gardner. Then again, Doug knew me, so he didn't really bully me. Things are better than 2009 and part of 2010, but there's always room for improvement. I'm looking for another shift at Willow. I plan on sticking around, but if things get worse, something's gotta give. Either I leave Willow Run and go somewhere else or I find a better fit in Willow Run.