Saturday, April 28, 2012

Familiar Situation

There's been so much going on, lately. April hasn't exactly been that great of a month. I did get to see WrestleMania, this year. I had to wait until Tuesday, but I saw it. Undertaker had another badass match with Triple H in a Hell in a Cell match and his record now stands 20-0. I was disappointed that John Cena didn't beat The Rock. Cena deserved the victory more than The Rock did. Cena's made movies (they sucked) but at least he never left the WWE to pursue an acting career. My main issue with The Rock is simply that he said the WWE was his home. He said he'd never leave the WWE. Then after WrestleMania 17, he leaves for a few months to be in The Mummy Returns. But, he came back. Then, after WrestleMania 18, he left to do a full length movie The Scorpion King, but he came back again. Then, he left again... and again... and again. Then, he just left... and never really came back. Before John Cena, they booed him whether he was good or bad. I was actually surprised that the fans didn't pull behind Cena in that match. Seemed to be 90% Rock, 10% Cena. I was part of the 10%. Then, Brock Lesnar returns the next night. He suffers 3 losses in the UFC and quits. I just shook my head. Then again, the fans didn't really like him much anyways and vica versa. Here's the funny part though. I respect Brock a hell of a lot more than I do The Rock. Brock never said that the WWE was his home and he'd never leave. After going to the last ECPW show, I noticed that one of my favorite wrestlers is using a WWE replica title for his Championship. I found out that there's no intentions of making a legit title for him anytime soon. So, I talked it over with my friends and we decided to change that. I made him a custom made belt that I had planned on presenting him on May 4th. Their next show. However, the belt is still not here and there's no sign of it coming here anytime, next week. The only plus side to this is that we can present it to him in his hometown of Sidney, NY. Now onto the main focus. Thanks to a co-worker, I met this girl. She happens to be his sister-in-law. This is the story that he told me. She was at his place and just randomly asks if he knows any single guys. He immediately thought of me. At first, I was hesitant. I know her ex-husband. He returned to Willow Run the day that I first started. I heard the story about what happened. The problem is that I only heard one side of it. Reluctantly, I agreed to meet her. There was no way of preparing for what happened. I took a liking to her. We went for a walk to one of her favorite spots in PA. It was a fun night. I returned to PA the next Friday. I brought her flowers, thinking that'd help my chances. It sort of did, but she said that she wasn't what I was looking for. Normally, I probably would've just moved on, but there was one problem. I couldn't get her off my mind. I was a miserable prick for the next week. It was so bad, I damn-near got involved in the Indy Pro Wrestling business. One of them offered to bring me to a show in Watertown instead. So, I took that offer. That was a badass show. That helped me get through the next week. Then, her and I started talking on a social network. Last Sunday, her son had a cut near his eye and had no way of getting him to a Dr. I asked if she wanted me to come and get them. She said yes, so I went and got them. Her car's out of commission and she needed a ride to classes in order for her to get her GED. I offered to take her. I've been doing that all week. Her kids, nieces, and nephews have all taken a liking to me. She look's at me the same way Denna did. We're also doing the same things that Denna and I used to do. This whole situation seems very familiar. My history with Denna has been documented. Half of 2008's entries are about Denna. Luckily I got over her real quick. It's been a long time since any girl's been on my mind as much as this one. The last girl that was on my mind like this was Denna. She always rushing me out the door when her ex-husband's on his way to visit the kids. She says it's so there's no issues between him and me. A couple red flags have already been raised. I don't want to go through another situation like the one I did with Denna. But, I also don't want this feeling to go away. It's the same feeling I had when I was with Denna. In fact, I forgot what that feeling was until this week. I feel like I've been here before. I'm not sure what my next move should be. All I know is I'm still being me. I'm being straight-up with her. Where it goes from here, I'll have to wait and find out.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Special Someone.

I'm always surprised with how much difference a year can make. One of my greatest flaws is that I dwell on the past way too much. I can't get over how much has changed over the years. Then again, some things have stayed the same. One of my old co-workers from the shop disappeared for a few months. I thougth he was gone for good. Then, out of the blue when I needed someone to be my designated driver, he texted me. He agreed to be my designated driver and met us in Binghamton. I don't know why Binghamton celebrates St. Patrick's Day so early, but whatever. It was Kelcie, myself, and Nic who was the DD. Nic's hung out with Kelcie and me before. He knows (as does everyone else) how I feel about Kelcie. I think the guy's legitimately concerned about me. I think he's afraid that she'll push me off the edge. I honestly don't know what it is about, her, but she has me under some kind of spell. It's not the first time. There have been other girls that have had me under their spell. But I've broken free. With Kelcie, it's a lot harder. I know she and I will never be together, but I still cling on to that little bit of hope that's not there. Deep down, I think Kelcie does truly care about me. Her and I have a lot in common. We're both only children, we both love getting attention, and we're used to getting our way. Her and I have been through a lot. Both together and on our own. Her and I have had our disagreements. I don't know why, but no matter how bad it looks, she'll call me up after she's cooled down. There have been close friends that she's cut out of her life. She usually doesn't give second chances let alone several like I've been given. I just don't understand it. All my friends and even some of my family says that all she does is use me, but the problem with that theory is... she doesn't ask me for anything. Other than to pick her up. She doesn't ask me to pay for dinner, give her a massage, buy her things she wants. That's on me, not her. I'd do it for any girl that's with me. Hell, when I'd hang out with Denna, I'd pay for lunch or whatever it was. It's just that I'm usually always hanging out with Kelcie, so she reaps the benefits. Nic's trying to fix me up with one of his friends. I'm all for it, because at the end of the day, he's right. I'm not gonna find anyone by always hanging out with Kelcie. I love Kelcie and I'm glad we're friends, but I can't wait forever. I gotta take care of me. Of course, as I say that, I'm trying to convince myself of that more than anybody else. Kelcie and I will always be friends, but I'm wondering if she can cope with not having my full attention when I finally do find someone. I'll still hang out with her, but we won't be alone. And I won't be able to cover the bill. I just hope she'll be mature enough to handle that. If not, then bye bye, blackbird.