Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A New Family

A few weeks ago, I met A girl over at Helen's. It just didn't happen to be the one that Helen originally was planning on hooking me up with. Turns out that Tonya was sick of Craig's alpha-male attitude and dumped his ass. You think I'd have learned from past experiences, but I never do. There was a reason why Tonya didn't take her eyes off me when I first met her. She thought I was hot. After I left, Helen had noticed that her eyes never left me. She took her aside and said, "You like him don't you?" Tonya apparently smiled and nodded. "He has a hot body doesn't he?" Helen added. Tonya still smiling, nodded. Helen smiled back at her and said, "I can get him here for you on Friday." So, that's who I met on Friday. I didn't wanna rush into anything, especially when she had a 6 year old kid. Well, after hanging out for a few hours, I spent the night. After going over there a few more times, it hit me that her and I were dating and this time, it was Helen that hooked us up. Since her husband's acting like a douche bag, the only time she can smile, is when she sees Tonya and I interact with each other. Tonya's incredible. She's much better than the last two girls I've dated over the last year and a half. I did have two major concerns. The first one being her kid becoming attached to me and then something happen where her and I break up. He did get attached, but things are going great between her and me. My other concern was actually my biggest. That concern was will my feelings for Helen get in the way of my relationship with Tonya. Tonya is also one of Helen's closest friends. So, we talk about her constantly. After the past few weeks, I realized that although I do like Helen and wished that things ended up differently, I'm just as happy with Tonya. I can co-exist with both of them. In fact, Tonya and I will playfully flirt with Helen and she'll flirt back. Over the past few weeks, Helen has said things to me that have raised my confidence to the sky. "You're really good with kids," "I trust you with my life", "I'd do anything for you, you're my brother!" are just a few examples of things she's told me. I would pace around trying to figure out why Helen never dated me if she really thought that I was this incredible, caring, individual. It hit me, last night. Because of her husband, her image on relationships is ruined. She knows that I'd have treated her real good and I'd always be there for her and the kids, but she didn't want a relationship. There is a ray of light, however. Helen looks up to me as a brother and her kids have taken to me as well. I'm like an uncle to them. Seeing how Tonya lives right above Helen, I can still be there for her and the kids. In a way, I already have been. There's this creepy old man that comes over to Helen's everyday to play with her daughter. This guy buys her stuff every freakin' day. Toys, clothes, shoes, books, all kinds of crap. He even bought a pool for the kids to swim in. Mainly, so he can watch Helen's daughter swim in it. One day, I saw him resting her feet on his lap outside on the railing next to the house. I almost said something. Here's how I sort of solved part of the problem. I've gotten Helen's daughter into wrestling and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So, she'll be watching that when the pedophile comes around. He usually leaves after that. Helen has a big heart and is a bit too forgiving at times. That's the only reason why this pedophile's around, but soon he won't be. The other problem is Helen's husband. He's legit treating her and the kids like crap and he's cheating on her as well. There's no proof, but he hangs out with his ex a lot. In fact, he invited her to Highland Park on the Fourth of July WHEN HIS WIFE WAS GOING TO BE THERE TOO! To Helen's credit, she didn't make a scene. I forgot that because of her parents, she has a gift for putting on a fake smile. She also knows how gorgeous she really is. When her and Tonya went to use the bathroom, all Helen had to do was walk. Tonya told me there were six guys following them and checking them out. Helen knew exactly what she was doing. Tonya said that as soon as Helen has her own set of wheels, she's sending her husband packing. I hope she does it quickly. This week, Tonya, her boy, and I have made a small tradition of playing some of my old wrestling games before bed. The first time we did this, I stepped back and observed the scene. It was like we were a family. No, I'm not proposing anytime soon. We're sort of taking things slow. But, a lot of people say that they can see it happening. It's way early to tell though. Unfortunately, my father doesn't approve of this relationship. I could care less, but I could've done without hearing an hour and a half of the same crap about how I can do better. Honestly, I'm very happy with Tonya. I can come and go as I please, hang out with anyone I want, and she doesn't get jealous unless another girl makes a move on me. That damn-near happened on day #2 when her brother's now-ex girlfriend was around. She was stupid enough to tell Tonya that she'd jump my bones if she could. Tonya threatened her life. Most of Tonya's family didn't approve of her other ex-boyfriends, but they almost immediately liked me. I didn't do much, but stand there and talk to them a bit. They got in a brawl with other family members a couple weeks ago. They came out of it without a scratch. I think the damage was one swollen eye (Tonya's), a swollen hand, and a broken hand. On the opposite side, they looked like they were part of a horror flick. Her brother looked at me after the fight and said, "now that you're family, if you ever need it, I got your back, bro." I think I'll get along with them just fine.