Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Week Away From Home

Since Dan and Chris are M.I.A for a while, Mikey's been calling me....EVERY FREAKIN' DAY! As much as I like Mikey, I don't like drinking every night of the week. Last Friday, I chilled at his place. We didn't do much. Just played old Nintendo games and drank. Saturday, 2CW came back to Binghamton. Cory and his friends showed up, which is a big relief to me, because I needed them to hand me the money for the tickets. To my surprise, the building wasn't sold out. In fact, I saw a lot of empty seats including two ringside seats right next to me. That was a lot of fun. Sunday, I hung out with Danny's family again. That was pretty-much Sunday. I WAS gonna go home on Monday, but my mother wasn't feeling well, so I spent another night at Danny's. Again, it wasn't anything special. Tuesday, I tried to go home again, but Kelcie called me to see if I wanted to hang out with her and Denna. Here's the best part about Tuesday. Denna acted more like herself. She was like she was when I first met her. Cory came to get us after he was done work. We went to his friend, Ryan's place. Ryan was one of the guys that went to the 2CW show with us. Later, I hung out with Kelcie a little longer. Wednesday, I finally made it home. I talked to my dad, because we really don't have the relationship that we want. Then, I watched The Ultimate Fighter. Team UK pulled out two wins and have two fighters going into the finale. Team USA has one chance left to even the score. Thursday, Kelcie called me. She had talked to Cody, yet again even though I've told her over and over again that it's a bad idea. Again, he hurt her and again I had to assure her that he's an asshole. As far as Cody Marshall goes, I want nothing to do with the asshole. He screwed up big time. I ended up calling Mikey and we all ended up going to his cabin. That was probably the best thing we could've done. Friday was pretty boring. Seth and I played miniature golf and I did win, but there was limited things to do. Yesterday, there was a WWE House Show in Binghamton. I hung out with Robin for a little bit, then I went with Danny to that. It wasn't a bad turn-out. The building wasn't sold out, but there weren't that many empty seats either. So yeah....I haven't really been home that much at all. I kind of like it that way. I'm going home on Tuesday and staying around until Friday. Then, I'll be home on Saturday. I'll stay home for a week, but then I'm leaving for a week. I'm gonna get back to where I was and this time I'm not stepping back.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Team USA managed to become part of the Finale, this season. Unfortunately, the guy that advanced last night is Damarques Johnson. His opponent made it all too easy for him. At first, I thought Damarques was gonna get knocked out. But, luckily for him, Herb Dean was the ref. I swear that guy is the worst ref in UFC history. I would've fired his ass after the Tito Ortiz/Ken Shamrock fight back in 2006. Although, it didn't help that after the second round, Damarques' opponent just let him beat the living hell out of him. The guy I want to win the entire thing is Ross from Team UK. Team USA still isn't acting like a team. Most of that's because of Jason Pierce. Richie Whitson did the right thing by ripping into him. Pierce got all pissed and tried getting in Whitson's face, but he just looked more like a jackass. Along with bitching and moaning, he's also telling the UK guys the training styles of all the USA guys. When Henderson asked him about it, he denied it, but I'm sure he was lying. As for how the rest of the week has been going, it's been interesting. I ended up staying a little bit longer at Candor than I expected. Monday, there wasn't anything special that I remember. Tuesday, because Seth's still trying to get with Kelcie DESPITE THE FACT THAT SHE'S TOLD BOTH OF US THAT SHE'S NOT INTERESTED, we played Tennis with her. After that, we headed over to the skate park to chill with Mike Sisin. As the four of us were chilling, we decided to chill at Seth's for the rest of the night. I drank with Mikey a little bit, but he's been going through a lot, because of his psycho ex-girlfriend, Tiffany. He finally let her go, but he's been regretting it ever since. He did the right thing. Well, after a while, he suggests we play Twenty Questions. There were four of us, so we went around in a circle asking anybody that we wanted any question that we wanted. There were a couple about Denna that came my way. Some of them actually caught me off guard. However, the one question that alarmed me, was when Seth asked if he did something to me, would I forgive him. I answered that he depended on what it was. I said if he stabbed me in the spine, I'd be done with his ass. I told him that I wouldn't even be a memory. The reason why that question set off a warning bell, is due to the fact that he might be contemplating something. The two of us have been cockblocking each other for months. I know that I'm not Kelcie's type, but I still gotta remind Seth what his role is. He's liked her longer than I have. I remember when I wasn't even trying to think about her, he'd always bring her up. Seth isn't loyal. He'd stab me in the spine in a heart beat if it meant that he'd be with Kelcie. We went to bed around 2:30 in the morning. I started to fall asleep when Kelcie moved and woke me up. I moved to another part of the couch we were on. Mikey's back was bothering him, so he took the bedroom that I'd usually sleep in. Kelcie said she was thinking of heading over there herself. She asked if I minded if she left. I told her that she wasn't my girlfriend. "I still care about what you think," she told me. I wished that I had worded it better, but instead, I told her that she's not my girl and she can do as she pleases. When she left, a million emotions erupted inside me. Mostly, it was my frustration with women. Nobody's perfect, but apparently I need to be for them to date me. If my hair's not long enough or if I haven't had sex yet, then I'm not boyfriend material. I'm sorry, but that's crap. The next day, I headed over to Danny's. We got lunch and talked about what we hope to accomplish, this year. Then, I realized why I'm so bitter all the time. Before, I'd take Seth in small doses, but I haven't been able to do that, this year. So, I'm a miserable prick. When he's not around, I'm so much better to be around. Seth only cares about himself. He doesn't think before he speaks, he's not trustworthy, he's immature, and he's a pig. Both literally and metaphorically. Well, Mikey called me later that day. He wanted to see if I'd be okay with him asking Kelcie out. I could tell Kelcie didn't wanna hurt me on Tuesday. Mikey didn't wanna hurt me either. I give both of them a ton of credit, because I wouldn't ask anybody for their blessing. I did talk to Cody a while back. But, that's when I gave a damn what he thought. I probably would've done whatever the hell I wanted anyways. Mikey's one of my best boys. Him, Dan, Chris, and Danny. I told him that if both of them were happy, it was fine with me. I said that I wouldn't be able to spoil her if she dated him, but he waved a hand at me figuratively speaking. "As long as you don't put anything in her, I'm fine. I trust you, bro," he replied. Of course Seth's acting like the runner-up in a beauty contest. "I think they'd make a great couple," he said. But I know what he's really thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if he went back to his old tricks. If he does, I'm kicking him in the freakin' skull. There's not too many people like me. I'm highly respected by my friends. Hell, I can't think of one person who doesn't respect me. I've earned that respect. I'm not perfect, but I think of others before myself. Sometimes, it does bite me in the ass, but I'm better for it. I knew that nothing was happening with Kelcie and I, so as long as it wasn't Cody or Seth with her, then I was fine with it. She deserves a good guy. Not some asshole who only thinks of himself. Seth lacks a pair of balls. He talks a big game, but that's all it is. It's just talk. I have no problem letting someone know how I feel about them. When or if I see Cody on Friday, I'll have no problem letting him know what I think. Seth'll just stand there like a freakin' coward. I'm not fake. I'm for real. Anybody who knows me, knows that I'm as real as it gets.