Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Week Away From Home

Since Dan and Chris are M.I.A for a while, Mikey's been calling me....EVERY FREAKIN' DAY! As much as I like Mikey, I don't like drinking every night of the week. Last Friday, I chilled at his place. We didn't do much. Just played old Nintendo games and drank. Saturday, 2CW came back to Binghamton. Cory and his friends showed up, which is a big relief to me, because I needed them to hand me the money for the tickets. To my surprise, the building wasn't sold out. In fact, I saw a lot of empty seats including two ringside seats right next to me. That was a lot of fun. Sunday, I hung out with Danny's family again. That was pretty-much Sunday. I WAS gonna go home on Monday, but my mother wasn't feeling well, so I spent another night at Danny's. Again, it wasn't anything special. Tuesday, I tried to go home again, but Kelcie called me to see if I wanted to hang out with her and Denna. Here's the best part about Tuesday. Denna acted more like herself. She was like she was when I first met her. Cory came to get us after he was done work. We went to his friend, Ryan's place. Ryan was one of the guys that went to the 2CW show with us. Later, I hung out with Kelcie a little longer. Wednesday, I finally made it home. I talked to my dad, because we really don't have the relationship that we want. Then, I watched The Ultimate Fighter. Team UK pulled out two wins and have two fighters going into the finale. Team USA has one chance left to even the score. Thursday, Kelcie called me. She had talked to Cody, yet again even though I've told her over and over again that it's a bad idea. Again, he hurt her and again I had to assure her that he's an asshole. As far as Cody Marshall goes, I want nothing to do with the asshole. He screwed up big time. I ended up calling Mikey and we all ended up going to his cabin. That was probably the best thing we could've done. Friday was pretty boring. Seth and I played miniature golf and I did win, but there was limited things to do. Yesterday, there was a WWE House Show in Binghamton. I hung out with Robin for a little bit, then I went with Danny to that. It wasn't a bad turn-out. The building wasn't sold out, but there weren't that many empty seats either. So yeah....I haven't really been home that much at all. I kind of like it that way. I'm going home on Tuesday and staying around until Friday. Then, I'll be home on Saturday. I'll stay home for a week, but then I'm leaving for a week. I'm gonna get back to where I was and this time I'm not stepping back.

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