Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The War is Ending.

It's no secret that this year hasn't really been that great. It sure as hell hasn't been a year for romance. Two solid relationships crumbled earlier in the year. One of them, I saw it coming. As for the other one, no one saw it coming. I've been fighting a war for five months over one of them. Now, it looks like I won't have to fight anymore. The war could possibly be coming to an end. Last week, I called Seth, so I could put my plan together to come back to Candor one last time. He suspects nothing and I intend to keep it that way. Marcy contacted me, because she wanted me at Aaron's birthday party on the 21st. She was worried that Seth and I would brawl at the party. I never intended on kicking his ass. I just wanted to get my stuff and get out. That's what I'm gonna do after Aaron's party. Out of sight, out of mind. God bless Marcy, though. She still wants me to work things out with Seth. Um...hell no. Then, Cody called me on Friday. He acted like nothing has happened in the past five months. I finally brought it up. I told him that he did Kelcie wrong. I also let him know that I didn't approve of how he handled things. He tried to explain himself. I told him that he was putting me between a rock and a hard place. I explained that if I started hanging out with him again, Kelcie would feel betrayed and our friendship would suffer. I honestly didn't know what to do. Then, I talked to Kelcie yesterday. She said that Cody texted her. I told her about the conversation him and I had on Friday. She filled me in on what's been going on with him. Basically, he found out that him and Bridgette wouldn't be able to date because of Brad, so he stopped talking to her. Now, he's trying to contact all of his old friends again. Kelcie called this. Still, neither one of us know what to do about it. Do we sit down and discuss with Cody all the damage that he's done? Do we just continue to go about things as we have? Kelcie said that either way, I'd be able to be her friend and Cody's if I choose. We still don't know what his deal is, though. He could very well be trying to manipulate us like he's been known to do. So, it looks like the war will have closure and just like I predicted, we won. Sunday, I stopped by my cousin's house. I found out that they live not to far from Kelcie and Danny's mom. They're Italians, so the first words were asking if I was hungry. I did eat over there. I stayed a good two hours. It was nice. I plan on coming around there more often. Maybe I'll take Danny or Kelcie with me sometime. I like that side of the family and I don't really get to see them that much. I remember something my cousin, Charlie said at my Uncle Tony's funeral. "Weddings and funerals, that's the only time the family gets together," he said sadly. Saturday, Danny ordered UFC 101. The two promoted fights weren't bad. The Forrest Griffen/Anderson Silva fight was disappointing. Forrest got knocked out in the first round. Everybody that was watching complained that the fight was paid for. I doubt that was the case. Forrest definitely lost some respect points, because after he was knocked out, he got up and ran out of the Octagon. That's disrespectful to his opponent. As for the BJ Penn/ Kenny Florian fight, that wasn't disappointing at all. BJ submitted Kenny in the fourth round. Overall, the PPV was far better than UFC 100. Later, that night Cory texted me to let me know he has his 2CW money. I called him yesterday to remind him about meeting me. He said he'd call me later that day and informed me that him and Denna broke up. That's no surprise to me. She sleeps around a lot. She's disloyal, two-faced, double crossing, and a complete waste of time. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd have blown her off completely. Hell, I'd have gotten with Kelcie. I'm still kicking myself over that one. Oh well, her life sucks, right now. I'm not doing too bad for myself and I know Cory will be better off without her. She'll regret it, someday. She'll come crawling back to us and I'm just gonna laugh. She screwed up and she'll have to live with that. She ran out of chances. I'm moving on to bigger and better things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still with Bridgette, brads not an issue, i still talk to kelcie, there never was any war, and if your gonna bad mouth people you probably shouldn't use there real names (pops up on search engines).