Monday, December 10, 2007

Alcohol Evolution

Big surprise...Mac became Season 6's Ultimate Fighter. He won by rear naked choke in the third round. As for the rest of the fights, I don't remember too many of them due to the fact that I was drinking. Marcy's birthday was last Wednesday, so I went to Candor this weekend. Last year around this time, I came up here just to get out of the house. I wasn't really into drinking. I only drank once or twice and that was in March. There was one party in March that almost got me to swear off alcohol period. Marcy had tried to get me to drink with all of them before, but she kept on wanting me to do shots of vodka with them and I couldn't do shots back then. I preferred Smirnoff and Zima, which is basically "bitch beer". So, yeah I wasn't really big on drinking. Basically, I was a pussy when it came to alcohol. Until I came up after Marcy's birthday last year. She talked me into doing a shot of vodka with her as a birthday present. I didn't want to be an asshole, so I groaned and said ok. Well, one shot turned into six. I didn't throw up and I didn't have a hang over. I started coming up every other weekend or if the situation called for it, I'd show up two weekends in a row. Every Friday, Marcy, Aaron, and I were drinking shots of Vodka. I didn't like the taste of beer back then. I've had other kinds of hard liquor that Marcy gave me. Captain Morgan's Tattoo, Yagermeister, Ice 101, Everclear. At first, I liked them. Now, I can't drink any of them, because my system doesn't like them. I'm starting to be able to drink shots of vodka again. I prefer beer though. Before I worked with my dad at Akraturn Machine Shop, I couldn't drink one beer let alone another. Before I started at Akraturn, the neighbors came over and as I was getting them each a Coors light, I got one for me too just for the hell of it. I kept drinking them until the taste didn't bother me. That made me a beer drinker. Some of my female friends think I drink too much, but I don't think I'm that bad. I can have only one drink and leave, I can wait for the weekend to come, and if I don't feel like drinking, then I won't. There are people around my age that head straight to the bars after school or work. They get messed up every night. They have a problem, not me. I know when to say "when" and I've done that before.

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