Thursday, January 29, 2009

New People, Same Drama

It took me a while to realize it, but the drama has returned. At BCC, the drama never fades. Even if the people who create it leave, it still hovers around. The worse part about it is that I'm starting to get sucked into it again. There was a time when I found the drama entertaining. But, ever since going to Cortland, I've gotten used to not being around it as much. Now, I'm back at BCC. The drama's still here. I've said that I'm not perfect countless of times. I know that sometimes without meaning to, I can cause drama. However, I always try to clean up after myself. Why can't people just grow up? The main person responsible for most of the drama around here is Bridgette. Even when she's not here, she still creates drama. I'm still kicking myself for sticking up for her back in 2006. I should've just let my friends keep on harrassing her. Instead, I screamed at them and made a stand. They backed down, but Bridgette remained being Bridgette. At the last party over at Danny's, I made a poor comment directed at Cody and Kelcie. Although, I wasn't serious, it still had an impact on them. I apologized to both of them and we're fine now, but when I talked to Kelcie, I told her about my past conversations with Denna. Denna's been in one of her moods, lately. She mentioned that someone told her that Kelcie didn't really like her and was only nice to her in person. I didn't get a name out of her, but Kelcie had an idea of who it was. "It's Bridgette! She must've told Denna that!" she screamed in rage. The part about it is that it's not true. Kelcie really is Denna's friend. Although I can't prove that Bridgette really said that to Denna, it does make sense. Back in the summer, Denna called me, because Bridgette found out about the stuff we were doing. Bridgette wanted her to tell Dan and Chris, because "Chris has always wanted to put me in my place." I called those guys up immediately. I knew better than to believe Bridgette, but I still had to let those guys know that they are and always will be my boys. When I told Chris what Bridgette had said, he got very pissed. Bridgette tried to drive a wedge between the three of us. Obviously, it had failed. Still, she tried to turn my friends against me. So, it wouldn't surprise me if she was doing the same thing to Kelcie. However, Kelcie happens to be a girl and she can break Bridgette in half. Kelcie started to ask me to do impossible things for her at Cody's birthday party. Things like hold Cody back while her and her friend Clarissa jump Bridgette. I told her that there was no way in hell that I could do that. Bridgette deserves anything she gets, but there'll be a time and a place for it. Violence is pointless. If Kelcie really wants vengeance, she should find a more satisfactory way. I already talked to Dan and Chris about it. I told them to help me make sure nothing went down on Saturday IF Bridgette should show up at the party. I don't even know if she's coming or not. Hopefully, she won't be there. Today, I was hanging out with Dan when a girl that I'm not familiar with, came over and gave him a hug. It turns out that this girl has a crush on Dan. For some reason unknown to me, he says that he's not ready for a relationship. I don't see what the problem is. She's a nice girl. Again, I can predict what will happen if Dan doesn't snap out of it. He'll finally be ready for a relationship with her and it'll be too late. She'll be dating someone else that's a complete asshole. It's happened to me, it's happened to Chris, it's happened to all of us. It's not a good feeling. In fact, it's probably the worst pain I've ever felt. But, it's up to him. It's just that he doesn't deserve that pain. When I talked to Denna on Tuesday, we reminisced about how things were last spring. Both of us wanna go back. There'd be some minor changes. I'd probably have "officially" hooked up with Denna. I wouldn't have gone to work at that stupid camp. I'd have gotten my degree at BCC and I wouldn't have screwed up in Cortland. I would've worked with my dad over the summer. I'm sure there would've been some problems, but things would've been a little better. However, things are what they are. If things were different, I'd probably not have known about the stuff with Kara. I sure as hell wouldn't have been put in the International dorm at Cortland, so I'd have never met Joe or Kristi. Things are a bit rough, right now. But, things could've been worse and I'm sure there's a reason why things happened the way they did. Things are slowly getting better. I just have to be patient. Soon, I'll be back on top again.

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