Thursday, February 5, 2009

When Reality Was Real

This week hasn't been too bad. In fact, things have been pretty good. The impact from Cody's Birthday party stayed with me for most of it. Thanks to Chris (and a little effort from me), Dan and Bridgette are dating. That's really good for him. Dan deserves to be happy. Although I've been friends with Chris for years, I've really come to respect Dan a great deal. We have a few important similarities, which is what I like. Even though I promised myself that I wouldn't let myself get sucked back into that ridiculous reality show, A Double Shot At Love, I did end up watching it near the end. That's Seth's fault. Man, this season was even more ridiculous than the last season. Two twins are "looking for love". At the Finale, both of them "fall in love" with the same guy. Big surprise there. The worst part about it is that they led a beautiful single mom on throughout the entire show. Well, the guy they both "loved" is a moron. He picked one of them and the other twin cried and became jealous. Again....BIG FREAKIN' SURPRISE THERE! I think both the twins are immature, shallow, sluts just like Tila Tequila. They're so freakin' rediculous that I want so badly to find them and scream at them about how they're immature, shallow, little girls that only wanted their fifteen minutes of fame. I talked to Denna, today. Because her husband's a moron, she might not be coming up to New York, this week. There was a time that I was bitter towards her. I was disappointed in myself as well. I felt like I had been played. It's happened before. I've said things that I didn't mean at the time. I've apologized for them and I've also received several apologies from Denna for everything. While we were talking, she showed me a few videos of her and her husband. I'm not a big fan of her husband due to jealousy and the fact that I haven't really heard good things about him. Still, as she's showing me these videos, every memory that I ever had, just hit me. The thing about Denna was that she wasn't "the one that got away." She was the one that left. I didn't approve of the choice that she made, but it wasn't my choice to make. After talking to her and watching those videos, made me miss her incredibly. Hell, even if she does come back to New York, things won't be like they were. There'll be barriers that weren't there before. Still, it kills me how close we were to dating. It's frustrating as hell to get so close and have the same thing happen every freakin' time. Danny's party is tomorrow. Hopefully, there will be girls at this one that aren't too young or taken. Hell, just as long as tomorrow's party was as good as Cody's Birthday party, I'll be very satisfied.

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