Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Improving Situations

Working at The Beef isn't as easy as Danny made it look. Two times, one of the cooks had to help me out. Maybe I'm expecting too much of myself. I work this Friday and I'm gonna try to keep up with everything. As far as the UFC universe goes, Roy Nelson's a cocky little bastard. He was gloating after beating Kimbo Slice. I doubt that Nelson will go all the way. Team Rampage lost yet another fight. Quentin did something that I don't necessarily agree with. He and the rest of his team left his defeated fighter in the octagon alone. Rashad and his assistant coaches went over to the defeated fighter and offered words of encouragement. Whether your boys win or lose, you should always support them. I missed an episode, because I was helping someone for the remainder of the week. He paid me well. Still, I wish there was more that I could do to earn just a little bit more. Kelcie called me, last week. It actually caught me off guard. I really didn't expect to hear from her. She wanted to hang out again sometime. I'm thinking of giving her a call over the weekend to see what she has going on. This week hasn't really been that great. My grandmother had a spontaneous bleed on her leg and ended up going to General Hospital. She's fine now, but I'm so sick of hospitals. Then, tonight my mother was at Lourde's Hospital. She has a gallstone that needs to be removed. Although I know that it really wouldn't matter, I really wish my grandfather was around when we all need him. I still can't believe that it's already been a month already. Also, yesterday I swung by BCC. I ran into Mike Sisin and he informed me that I'm no longer a godfather, because his friend got an abortion. He wasn't given a say on the matter. I have mixed feelings on that one. Also, it was brought to my attention that "there was no war" over the summer. That's funny, because it sure as hell felt like one. Then again, the person who informed me, was neutral. It probably didn't feel like a war to them, but it sure as hell felt like a war to me. A war that we won. Cody showed his true colors and as a result, nobody really likes him. Kelcie's happy, I'm sort of happy (if my damn family members could stay the hell out of the hospital) so the good guys won. But "there was no war". It doesn't even matter anymore. When I talked to Kelcie on the phone, we both realized the summer was actually pretty fun. Sure there were losers that tried to ruin it for us, but we got rid of them and had a blast. I did the best I could to make Kelcie's summer a good one and I think I did a pretty good job. My goal is to just get through the rest of the year and hope that 2010 is a better one.

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