Thursday, October 1, 2009

MMA's Biggest Disappointment.

To my (and every MMA fan out there) surprise, Kimbo Slice did NOT win his fight. Roy Nelson's ground game proved to be Kimbo's downfall. The fight was very disappointing. Not because Nelson won, but because of how poorly both fighters performed. Kimbo did have a few big hits, but Roy eventually took him down, pinned him, and just kept landing weak punches on top of Kimbo's head. Nelson pretty-much told his team that this was his strategy. It paid off and he advanced. I'm glad Rashad's 3-0, but the fight didn't live up to the hype. It also didn't help that Herb Dean was the ref for this fight. I know I keep saying it, but he's the worst ref in MMA history. If I were a ref, I wouldn't have ended the fight. I'd have stood them up and let them duke it out. Before the fight, the episode was entertaining. Quentin and Rashad talked more trash. This time, Quentin targeted one of Rashad's guys. The guy wasn't doing anything to provoke Rampage, but he felt the need to run his mouth to him. All the guy was doing was shaking his head at them. He probably thought the same thing that I did. "It's getting ridiculous to see these guys always talking trash all the time." Well, Quentin ran his mouth to Rashad's fighter and Rashad's fighter said a few choice words. Personally, I hope Rashad beats Quentin in December. Quentin's the one that's acting all arrogant and cocky. Also, one of Quentin's fighters complained that Quentin wouldn't let him fight after Kimbo's fight. The guy has breathing problems and his knee looked banged up. Quentin explained his reasons for holding out on him. From what I saw, this guy might end up going home due to medical reasons. On a final note, before his fight, Kimbo got plenty of camera time. I give Kimbo tons of credit, because he's very humble and eager to learn. He didn't piss and moan when he lost, he practices the same drills like the rest of the guys on his team, and he listens to his coaches. He doesn't act like he's better than anyone else, he doesn't act like a big shot, and he's not cocky, QUENTIN! Even if he doesn't get another opportunity to fight on the show, I still think Dana White will give him a contract.

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