Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ages 18 And Up

it feels great to have a normal life again. As much as I liked working on 3rd shift, I'm happier that I'm on days again. Everyone's attitude is much better on 1st shift. Today, I was helping a couple of them unload some trailers when one of them said, "I can tell you like this shift better." I smiled and nodded before asking what gave it away. His answer was, "Because you fit in." That wasn't really too hard. I was so used to 3rd shift that random comments were just another day in the office. Everyone's been real cool. Joe Canfield's a good boss, but our boss, Dave Z is great. My first day on his shift, he called everyone in the office and told them to make sure I was comfortable on the shift. Unlike the guys on 3rd shift, they actually went out of their way to get to know me a bit. On top of that, they asked how I was liking my job, if I needed any help, etc. They've been real awesome. I can't complain too much. What I CAN complain about, is the fact that everyone's giving me too much credit for my kindness and good nature. I hate to inform them of this, but... I'm quite shallow. After some of the girls I've dated, it's no surprise. Now, Helen tried hooking me up with her 18 year old cousin. First of all, I don't date 18 year olds. Helen's not good at the whole match-making thing to begin with. She gave her cousin an age and me a time. That was it. It wasn't until AFTER I was supposed to meet her, that I got a name. I looked her up on Facebook. I failed to remember that a person's Facebook profile picture can lie. On her profile picture, she doesn't look 18 and she doesn't look chubby. So, I thought she was this tiny, adorable, blonde haired girl. Man, was I wrong. I took a look at some of her pictures the day before we were supposed to meet. She's a bit on the chubby side and she's plain looking. She's not my type. I still hung out with her though, but there was no spark. There was a spark with Helen. I don't know if she felt the same, but I definitely saw a spark. I was talking to one of my lady friends from BCC about this and she said that one of her co-workers is looking for a relationship and needs a date to her wedding. So, I looked HER up on Facebook and pretty-much fits the same description of Helen's cousin. She's very big and very plain looking. So, I'm looking very hard for a way to get out of it. So far, I'm going to try to get one of my lady friends to act like my "temporary girlfriend" for the wedding. This is one of the few times where being Kelcie's friend again would come as some use to me. Well, it'd sure as hell make things easier for me. If there's any need for even more proof why I'm so shallow and picky, I have the perfect story. One of my indy wrestler buddies is dating an 18 year old. He's somewhere around 38 years old. In my opinion, that's just dirty. So far, he's accusing other guys at trying to get with her. I think all they did was talk to her. It gets better than that. Keith Zimmer's best friend apparently tried to get with this girl. On top of that, there's a rumor going around that he's trying to hook up with a 14 year old as well. That would make him a pedophile. I'm not sure how true this rumor is, but I've heard if from more than one person. I can't remember if I ever mentioned Jeff Greeno a.k.a Anarchy on here before or not, but he does have a thing for stealing other people's girls. It almost got him in trouble a few years ago. Him and IB Green's wife were having an affair. Apparently, he thought that she would actually divorce her husband to be with him. There were a couple problems with that. For one thing, her daughter despised him. That alone was enough for the relationship to never work out. Eventually, everyone caught wind of that and Jeff went on an 8 month haitus from the indy scene. Apparently, when he returned, he tried stealing some of the students' girls and that has all recently bubbled to the surface. It reminds me of the situation between Denna and myself back in 2008. I was in the wrong. I know this now. I also know that I was naive to ever believe that her and I would ever get together back then. I was young and stupid back then. There was an indy show, last Friday. That was a lot of fun. One of the bad guy managers dumped his bottle of water on me. He knows me well, so he knew he could get away with it. Since I go to all the local shows around here, all the guys know me. Back in August 2011, there was an after-party of the show in Sidney. Everyone was invited. Wrestlers, fans, refs, workers, everyone. I was talking with the guys that were there hanging out. I was driving, so I was drinking coke. One of the wives came over and hugged me. "These guys love you. You make it fun for them," she said. It is true. I've even have other fans approach me and say that they enjoy watching me go nuts in the front row. After the show on Friday, I'm still drenched from the water, but I went up to the bad guy manager's wife and said, "I think your husband missed me." She laughed, hugged me, and said, "You were great! They all think the world of you!" I thanked her and said that I was glad it wasn't a Heinekin like last time. Someone took a picture of it. It came out pretty good. The manager came out and gave me a hug. We talked a bit, then I wished him a safe trip home. Those guys are class acts. They make sure everyone has a good time at their shows. It's just a shame that the next one of THEIR shows is in August. I always get a confidence boost after their shows. I think it's the atmosphere. I like ECPW's shows too as well as 2CW's shows. But, the feeling I get from Xcite shows is hard to explain. I'll be there in August. I'm really looking forward to it. It's always a pleasure.

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