Thursday, June 6, 2013

Relaxed, But Still Ranting

I don't even know where to begin. Work's still going great. With the exception of that 19 year old worthless prick running into my pallets of load bars, I have nothing to complain about. The guy that I'm replacing is supposed to come back on Monday. He'll be on light duty for a while. My boss assured me that no matter what happens, I'm always going to be on 1st shift. Slowly, I'm getting my life back together. Tuesday, there was a memorial service for a person that my parents and I knew. Since, it was a Harpursville death, there were a lot of people from Harpursville that were there. Some that I haven't seen, since I graduated in 2004. My dad called for me to come over to the bar while I was talking to one of them. He introduced me to one of the indy wrestler's dads. Apparently, him and my dad were in the same Catholic school back in the day. So, I talked to him for a couple hours. He's trying to get my dad to come to the show on August 9th. I have a few mixed feelings about that. Dad will be entering MY world and I know he's not gonna like what he's gonna see. Mainly, me screaming like a lunatic. He's voiced many times that he finds that stupid, but I really don't care. It's a good time for me. Whether he's there or not, I'm still doing what I always do at shows. Speaking of shows, I went to the 2CW show on Saturday. My sinuses were acting up, but I still went and I still screamed. As a result, I had no voice the next day. Robin texts me that she needs my help as soon as possible. I asked what was wrong because I wasn't feeling that great. I had no voice, my sinuses were kicking my ass, and I didn't feel like going anywhere. She texts back that it's a matter between life or death. Again, I ask what's wrong. She texts back that her boyfriend of three years wants to break up with her. ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME??? THAT'S NOT A MATTER BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH!!! As much as I love Robin, she can be melodramatic at times. Without meaning to, she can exaggerate certain parts of a story. An example of this, is when Kara got in a car accident and was sent to the ER. Robin made it sound like she got disfigured in the accident and the doctors were trying to piece her face back together. Kara fractured the bridge of her nose and was a bit banged up, but she looked same as ever. When she talked to Kara's parents, she somehow made it sound like Kara was dying. As a result, Kara and Robin are no longer friends. Neither one of them is right on this issue, but that's irrelevant. Back to my story about her boyfriend wanting to break up with her. After calling Robin and asking for details, it sounds like this guy may be playing games. Can't prove it, but that's what it sounds like. After going to the memorial, I headed up to Robin's place. I asked what's going on and all I got was "It's personal, brah." So, either someone's in his head or he's going through a phase he's not familiar with. I know in the past that Robin's too controlling and he's not wrong on that. She can be very controlling and that's probably why most of her relationships don't last. She admits that she feels that she has to be dominant and look alpha 24/7. I've told her that's the most childish, immature thing I've ever heard and she just glared at me. So, I hung out with them for a half hour and went home. Apparently, that's all I had to do and things are slightly getting better. While I'm on this subject, I don't understand why these girls won't dump their loser boyfriends that just use them and/or make them feel like they're not good enough. These scumbags will go out and blatantly cheat on these girls, but they'll still be with them. I've been trying for almost a year now for Denna to dump her douche bag and she just won't. She said things like, "it's my fault he acts like that," "my heart just can't do it," "I gotta try harder." That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. Denna's not the problem for once. When Denna and I fooled around, we were both young and immature. Apparently, I'm the only one of the two of us that grew up. When I tell Denna she needs to leave this guy, she clams up and stops talking. One of these days, I'm just gonna go full throttle and speak my mind whether she likes it or not. I know it's not easy to dump someone. I lied to myself for three months when I was with Tina. But, it got to a point that I was sick of being a door mat and being lied to. I wasn't happy, things weren't going to get better, and if I didn't dump her soon, there would've been four dead bodies with their blood on my hands. I was happy with Colleen until she did me dirty. Because of my past relationships, I'm extremely picky on who I date and very shallow as well, but I don't care. I'm not expecting to date a super model, but I don't want some plain looking dumpy girl waddling beside me or a walking, talking, stick for that matter. Speaking of which, Kelcie has started talking to me again. Apparently, she wasn't mad at me as much as she was scared of getting what I have. This is both a good and bad thing. Good thing, because I can always chill with her whenever I need to kill time. Bad thing, because there's gonna be times she's gonna want me to go out and I'll have to work the next morning. Then again, with her working, maybe she'll give me a break now that she knows what it's like. We've been off and on as friends so many times, I'm at the point where if she wants to talk to me, then good. If she doesn't, then that's good too. She's told me about some of her bad situations that she's been part of in the past couple weeks. The thing is she allows herself to be put in those situations. Hell, she almost asks for them. So, my sympathy is not that high. Hopefully, she'll wake up and straighten her life out one day. I hope I'm there to see it.

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