Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I hung out with Cody this weekend. Every day was pretty much a party with the exception of Sunday. He had some of our friends come over and hang out with us for a while. I just watched while they got retarded. They left the same night and they're still alive. Saturday, Cody and I just hung out playing guitar hero 3 and watching chick flicks. That was during the day. Him and I agreed that we were gonna hit the bars that night. We left around nine. We waited for his cousin to give us their hockey tickets, which awarded us one free drink. We went to Flashbacks, because that's where the "free drink" perk was allowed. At first, I wasn't a big fan, because it took a good fifteen minutes to get my beer. I'm used to the bars at Harpursville. Everybody knows me there and it only takes two minutes for me to get a beer. After I got my beer, I started to relax a bit. My intention was to at least get a phone number. There were some hot girls there, but some of them were with guys. At one point, Cody asked me who my number one was. I scanned the crowd and there was this one in a red dress that caught my eye. She was there with three other girls. After two beers, I went over to where they were. I didn't have much cash on me, so I couldn't offer to buy her a drink. I saw her dancing earlier, so I thought that my best line should be to ask her to dance. Well, that didn't really work. She said that they were just leaving, so I said thanks anyway and went back to work on my third beer. Cody and I left ten minutes later. Here's the best part. Her and her friends were still there. So, she basically turned me down gently. I was slightly annoyed by that, but oh well. We went back to Cody's, because he invited the whole freakin' neighborhood over. When it comes to partying, Cody's pretty good, but sometimes he'll book several different things at the same time. As a result, he tries to do them all. We've already agreed to go back to the bars next weekend. Next time, we're gonna do it right. This was just a feeling out process for us.

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