Monday, February 25, 2008

Mania and Random Words

I stayed home for most of the weekend. It's been a long time since I stayed home on a Friday night. I survived it alright. Wrestlemania 24 is still about 4-5 weeks away. I may not be as big of a fan that I was in High School, but Wrestlemania's different. No matter how big a fan you are, you wait all year for it. Especially, with my favorite superstar going for the World Heavyweight Championship. Undertaker is 15-0 at Wrestlemania. No one's even come close to touching that record. His opponent, Edge is 5-1, but that's only because he didn't win an 8 man ladder match last year. John Cena's 4-0, but he's still got a long way to go to even tie The Undertaker. Edge robbed The Undertaker in May of last year. Undertaker had to get surgery done on his arm, but he returned at Unforgiven a day before my birthday. He's chased the Championship since then, but he's come up short. I know that he'll get it back at Wrestlemania. That's his event. No one's gonna deny him at HIS event. He did it last year. When you've watched this stuff for as long as I have, you get an idea of what the backstage politics are. They've been pushing Batista for about 3 years. He's been beating everybody. There were rumors that they were gonna let him end The Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. Most of the time, the rumors happen to be true. So, even I thought that Undertaker was gonna fall. I didn't want him to, but it wasn't up to me. Luckily, they smartened up and let Undertaker win the belt. Edge is good, but there's no way in hell he's beating Undertaker. Anyways, while I was on break, I've been getting pumped for Wrestlemania. I have all 23 of them and I watched 1-6 over the break. Only 17 left to go. I would've gotten all the way to 10, but I went to an independent wrestling show on Saturday called 2CW. That was a blast. My friend, Kyle came home for it and I brought my idiot friend, Henry and my boy Edaniel with us. I got us reserved front row seats and that made things even better. It was fun screaming at the bad guys and getting a reaction out of some. They all wanna go back when they come in June. I already reserved 4 front row seats this morning. Damn, the prices keep going up. Last time it was $17.00, but this time, they asked for $18. Edaniel and Henry are paying me $10 each this Friday. Henry owes me for when I let him borrow money two weeks ago. Edaniel just wants to pay me early. When I get paid in the beginning of April, I'll send out a money order for the tickets. When I first started going to the 2CW events, I went with Kyle. It was so much fun, him and I went again. Henry went with me to the last one and all four of us went to the one last Saturday. I'm trying to get Seth to go to one, but he's so damn simple-minded. If Shawn Michaels isn't involved or anybody that's wrestled for a long time, he's not interested. Man, that kid needs to grow up. I've been saying that for months and I'm well aware that I still have a few things that I need to do before I can go any further. Back in 2006, him and Henry kept using the word "legend" and "legendary". "He's a legend", "this event is legendary", basically saying crap like that. After a while, I started getting sick of it. Their mentallity was if someone was around for a long time, they were a legend. They were acting extremely immature and they had no clue what a legend really was. At one point, I screamed at Henry to stop using the freakin' word, because he was discrediting it. The word "legend" was starting to lose it's meaning with me and the people who had to be around Seth and Henry for long periods of time. Like Seth's parents and they were getting sick of it too. Henry started to talk trash to me, so I told him that I'd knock his ass out the next time I saw him. The only reason that didn't go down was due to a few reasons. The first and most important was Seth's and Henry's grandmother. She wouldn't want me to do that. I have a lot of respect for her. The second reason was that Henry was scared of me and apologized. Third reason was that it was his graduation day. So, although he really deserved it, I let it slide. Besides, I figured that he'd say something to set me off in the future and it wouldn't be his graduation day, so I'd be able to beat the hell out of him. I was right, but he kept on ducking, so I never connected. Rest assure that one of these days, he'll catch me on a bad day and I'll make him swallow his teeth. The good news is that they've both stopped abusing the word. Still, even if I see Hulk Hogan at a WWE show, it's hard to call him a legend, because those two idiots abused the word so much. I abuse two words on an everyday basis. I'll string on "bro" or "champ" on the end of my sentences if I'm referring to one of my friends. Of course Henry now refers to ME as "champ". I've asked him not to call me that (although, out of the three of us, I definitely fit the role), but as always, he won't stop. I've stopped using that word around him. In fact, I haven't abused that word nearly as much. With girls, I usually refer to them as "sweetheart" or "beautiful". That's new, though. Before, it was either "babe" or "girl". So, I'm also guilty of abusing words. The difference is that I do it when it's appropriate. If someone's not a "champ" I don't call them that. If a girl's not good looking, I don't call her "beautiful". I use those words if it's necessary. I don't go around calling trees "legend". I'm not kidding, these idiots would call anything and everything "legend". After a few hours of hearing the same word over and over again, it gets extremely annoying. Long story short, they're still annoying, but they're giving the word a well deserved rest.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Better Than Ever

Last weekend was great. I will admit with Valentine's day and people from my past bringing me down, the week was mediocre at best. On Friday, while taking a bus to Cody's place, I ran into Stephen Filan, an old friend of mine. I was good friends with his sister until she moved after tenth grade. When I got to Cody's, I decided to go out again, since it worked well last time. This time, I kept my ipod at his place. Just like last time, the place was dead at first. I was about to leave, but I got to talking with some of the people around me, then I ran into a friend of mine that went to BCC. I bought us a round and we were checking out the crowd around us. There were two sets of girls, so I told him to choose which two we should try to pick up. He went over to one group and I followed him. Then, I had to go to the bathroom, so I excused myself. On the way there, I heard someone call my name. I went over to her. It turned out to be Heather Filan, Stephen's sister. I gave her a quick hug and told her I'd be right back. We hung out with Justin and John (another friend from college) for the rest of the night. The great thing about Heather is this. At one point, John and I were doing a test of strength. Heather saw my expression was a mix of pain and concentration. To be honest, I wasn't feeling any pain. Heather went over to John and demanded that he let go. "He looks like he's in pain, I don't like seeing him like that," she told him. I assured her that John and I were friends and there's no harm done. She was cool after that. Even in high school, if someone looked like they were gonna hurt me, she'd stop them. Even if we were just screwing around, she didn't like anybody hurting me. Until she stopped John, I forgot all about that. She's one of the better friends that I have. She promised to call me up sometime, so we can catch up on what's been going on. It was too loud at the bar to do that. The next night, I went to the strip club again and I found my favorite girl there. "You're my smart virgin boy," she said. Then, she kissed my neck softly. I tell everyone that I'm a proud virgin. Which is the truth. The way she said it though...I don't's hard to explain. There was a note of admiration in her voice. Sunday, was WWE No Way Out. My boy, The Undertaker earned a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 24. He's gonna win that one, no doubt. The weekend ended and something unexpected happened on Monday. This red-headed girl waved at me, which isn't really unexpected since we said one sentence each to each other last week. She made the first move, so that allowed me to sit down at her table and have a conversation. It turns out that she was fascinated by me. She's been watching my movements since Day 1. She's basically studied my body language. You can tell a lot about a person just by their body language. Her name's Denna. After our conversation, she told me about a friend of hers that's looking for a guy like me. She talked to her friend and she wants to meet me. I said earlier that 2008 was gonna be my year. So far, things are looking that way. After this weekend, I'm full of confidence. I admit that I lost it over the week. Now, I have it back and no one's gonna take it away from me.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Who I Am

Reputations can make or break a person. They're very hard to get rid of and even harder to create a new one. Back in high school, I was this geek who was obsessed with WWE. No one really took me seriously in high school. Why should they? Hell, I wouldn't have taken me seriously if I was them. That was my rep in high school. I was the WWE dork. I've gotten better about that over the years despite the fact that I'm wearing a DX T-shirt that I bought in 2006. I admit that in high school, WWE was my life. That's not the case anymore. I could care less about what happens in the WWE today (unless Undertaker wins the World Heavyweight Championship). When I started my first semester in college, I was a whining, emo, bitch most of the time. That wasn't right either. My second semester, I was a little better, but I was becoming angry frequently. My third semester, I drove away a really good friend of mine. I'd follow her everywhere, call her way too often, I was a creepy little bastard. I'm not proud of any of this. I've apologized several times and it was accepted. However, something still doesn't seem right. I never really confronted the issue, but I can't run from it anymore. I started to evolve into the person that I wanted to be around my fourth semester at college. I got rid of my old rep and developed a new one. I became more understanding, I've earned respect, trust, and admiration from my friends. I stopped being so damn self-centered and started taking an interest in my friend's lives. I've always been there for my friends. I try to make everyone happy. Sometimes, it doesn't always work like that and I have to make a choice. I'm not perfect in any way, but there's no harm in trying. Some of my friends have told me straight-up that I'm the best. At first, I didn't believe them. After a while, I started to believe them. I'll go to war with anyone as long as they're worth it. I only hold grudges if you hurt the people that I care about. I'm not malicious, angry, or violent. I am egotistical, I will admit that one. However, I put my friends first. Who am I now? I'm the best friend anyone could have. Unless you do attack my friends, then I'm your worst enemy. Before, everything had to be about me. That wasn't right. Back in high school, I said that I'm not gonna change for anybody. The truth is that I didn't change for anybody...I changed for me. It's paid off for the most part. I feel a lot better now, than I did back then. I'm all about honor, loyalty, and respect. The problem is that those who knew me before, haven't noticed that I've changed. They have their guards up. I know that it'll take time to regain the trust that they've had in me, but someday, I'll get that trust back. The trust that people put in me, means more to me than anything. Things change, people change. There are a million other people that came from worse backgrounds than mine. They've turned themselves around. They didn't do it alone and neither did I. They had good friends who stood by them. I did too. I can't thank them enough. Even the ones who've done me wrong have helped me in their own way. It's because of my friends that I became who I am today. Someday, I'll return the favor. I'll end this with a quote from the "Shadow the Hedgehog" video game. "THIS IS WHO I AM!"

Monday, February 4, 2008

Score 1 for the Underdogs

Last night was the big Super Bowl. My boys went up against the undefeated New England Patriots. Anyone with a brain in their head, would've said that the Patriots were gonna win. Looking at the tale of the tape, the Patriots were definitely a favorite going into the Super Bowl. Even me being a New York Giants fan thought the odds looked grim for my boys. Everyone and their brother invited me to their Super Bowl parties, but I already promised Robin that I'd watch the game with her. She's a Patriots fan and takes the game much more seriously than I ever will. For the most part, her boys were kicking ass. They dominated the game...until the end of the 4th quarter. My boys took the lead and held off the Patriots' offense. We won 17-14. Basically, The Giants pulled one out of their asses. I give Robin tons of credit. She didn't scream or curse. She accepted defeat gracefully. I was prepared to do the same after the 3rd quarter. The Super Bowl to Robin and other football fans is like Wrestlemania to me. My boy, The Undertaker has to win an Elimination Chamber to earn a World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania this year. I have a good feeling that he's gonna win this match and once again defeat the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania. I said that at the beginning of 2008 that this year was gonna be my year. So far, I've been right. With the exception of my boy not winning the Royal Rumble, it's been alright. I drank a lot last weekend, but it was fun. This past weekend, I hung out with Cody. Friday was guys night out. Our boy, Edaniel works at this bar/restaraunt called What's the Beef. We went there to wait for Danny to get out of work. Cody's friend, Jason was with us. I felt for Jay, because his girlfriend is a bitch. They have kid together and I think that's the only thing keeping them together. She's too damn controlling. It took a lot of will power not to hit her. So, the three of us are sitting at the bar. I'm drinking beer, they're drinking mixed drinks. Cody's body has adapted to mixing different drinks in his stomach, so he can hold his liquor well. Jason's trying to keep up with Cody and I'm just drinking. Danny gets out of work and we leave. Danny told his girlfriend that he wouldn't be out of work until 2:00 in the morning. So, since it's guys night out, Jay and Cody scream out, "WE'RE GOING TO THE STRIP CLUB!" So, we drove to Madam Oars, I got in free because I'm a college student still, and I paid for Jason and Danny. Jason bought me a beer and we're sitting at the stage with a dollar bill in our hands. One of the waitresses came over to say hello. "I know you!" she said. I told her my name and she told me hers. Her name's Collette. She went to Harpursville back in the day, but moved somewhere else after 9th grade. We small talked for a bit. Not too long, though. Jason wanted a lap dance, so I gave him $20.00 and decided to get one for me. When I went to pay for mine, the dude at the desk said, "I know you. You went to Harpursville." Again, I told him my name. He turned out to be Kevin Wilcox. He too disappeared after 9th grade. The girl that I had, said I could touch anything that wasn't personal. The golden rule at strip clubs was don't touch unless given permission. I met back up with my boys after she was done. Jason asked Cody to go with him, so he could puke. So, Danny and I hung out with some of the girls. Then, I hear someone say, "Hey, Jack". It was my cousin, Kacie's ex-boyfriend, Carl Drake. Here's the best part of the story. Carl says that he still talks to Kacie and Kacie sees my grandfather all the time. I'm waiting to hear the phone ring, so he can ask what I was doing at a strip club. I'm 22 years old, but if he had it his way, I'd be treated like I was 12. Cody comes back to inform us that our driver is indeed puking...a lot. We say good bye to the people we were talking to and head to the van. Sure enough, Jay is crouched in a fetal position. We throw him in the back and Cody drives back to Danny's place. When we get there, he goes to get Jay's bitch. Danny and I stay with Jay. His bitch isn't too happy, but I could've cared less. I ask Danny if I can go upstairs to go to the bathroom. He says ok and I quietly head to his apartment. I let Danny's girlfriend in on what's going on. Danny ends up bringing Jay upstairs. We throw him into the bathroom, because he claims that he still has to puke. He eventually, makes it out of the bathroom and passes out in the middle of the living room. Cody and I decide it's time for us to leave. On Saturday night, we go back to Danny's to play Kings. It's a drinking card game. Jay's bitch won't allow him to drink, which I think is a good call. However, when he tries to play with us using juice, she keeps saying it's pointless. I swear to God, I wanted to hit her. We finish two games and Jay finally reaches his breaking point. They're screaming at each other and I look at Cody. I suggested that I chug the rest of my beer and then leave. He said that was fine. Danny's girl asked us not to leave. I felt bad for her and I didn't want her to think we weren't having fun, because despite the shouting in the background, we were having a freakin' blast. So, I changed my mind and we stayed. The argument didn't last too long. Jay and Danny go to Price Chopper for whatever reason. Another guy, called Justin showed up earlier. So, him, me, Danny's girl, and Jay's bitch play another game of Kings. After the game, Jason came back and he took his bitch home. No one feels like drinking any more but Danny's girl and me. I only had around four beers that night. The night before, I had seven. So, Cody shows us how to play drunk driver. After that game, we call it a night. Tonight, I'm debating if I want to go to this concert. There's gonna be a party afterwards. Basically, a lot of hot, drunk girls. I don't have to be at College until around noon tomorrow. I'm debating, because I've done a lot of partying this past weekend. Not only that, but I'm doing the same thing this weekend. Maybe taking a night off from getting obliviated wouldn't hurt.