Friday, February 22, 2008

Better Than Ever

Last weekend was great. I will admit with Valentine's day and people from my past bringing me down, the week was mediocre at best. On Friday, while taking a bus to Cody's place, I ran into Stephen Filan, an old friend of mine. I was good friends with his sister until she moved after tenth grade. When I got to Cody's, I decided to go out again, since it worked well last time. This time, I kept my ipod at his place. Just like last time, the place was dead at first. I was about to leave, but I got to talking with some of the people around me, then I ran into a friend of mine that went to BCC. I bought us a round and we were checking out the crowd around us. There were two sets of girls, so I told him to choose which two we should try to pick up. He went over to one group and I followed him. Then, I had to go to the bathroom, so I excused myself. On the way there, I heard someone call my name. I went over to her. It turned out to be Heather Filan, Stephen's sister. I gave her a quick hug and told her I'd be right back. We hung out with Justin and John (another friend from college) for the rest of the night. The great thing about Heather is this. At one point, John and I were doing a test of strength. Heather saw my expression was a mix of pain and concentration. To be honest, I wasn't feeling any pain. Heather went over to John and demanded that he let go. "He looks like he's in pain, I don't like seeing him like that," she told him. I assured her that John and I were friends and there's no harm done. She was cool after that. Even in high school, if someone looked like they were gonna hurt me, she'd stop them. Even if we were just screwing around, she didn't like anybody hurting me. Until she stopped John, I forgot all about that. She's one of the better friends that I have. She promised to call me up sometime, so we can catch up on what's been going on. It was too loud at the bar to do that. The next night, I went to the strip club again and I found my favorite girl there. "You're my smart virgin boy," she said. Then, she kissed my neck softly. I tell everyone that I'm a proud virgin. Which is the truth. The way she said it though...I don't's hard to explain. There was a note of admiration in her voice. Sunday, was WWE No Way Out. My boy, The Undertaker earned a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 24. He's gonna win that one, no doubt. The weekend ended and something unexpected happened on Monday. This red-headed girl waved at me, which isn't really unexpected since we said one sentence each to each other last week. She made the first move, so that allowed me to sit down at her table and have a conversation. It turns out that she was fascinated by me. She's been watching my movements since Day 1. She's basically studied my body language. You can tell a lot about a person just by their body language. Her name's Denna. After our conversation, she told me about a friend of hers that's looking for a guy like me. She talked to her friend and she wants to meet me. I said earlier that 2008 was gonna be my year. So far, things are looking that way. After this weekend, I'm full of confidence. I admit that I lost it over the week. Now, I have it back and no one's gonna take it away from me.

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