Monday, February 4, 2008

Score 1 for the Underdogs

Last night was the big Super Bowl. My boys went up against the undefeated New England Patriots. Anyone with a brain in their head, would've said that the Patriots were gonna win. Looking at the tale of the tape, the Patriots were definitely a favorite going into the Super Bowl. Even me being a New York Giants fan thought the odds looked grim for my boys. Everyone and their brother invited me to their Super Bowl parties, but I already promised Robin that I'd watch the game with her. She's a Patriots fan and takes the game much more seriously than I ever will. For the most part, her boys were kicking ass. They dominated the game...until the end of the 4th quarter. My boys took the lead and held off the Patriots' offense. We won 17-14. Basically, The Giants pulled one out of their asses. I give Robin tons of credit. She didn't scream or curse. She accepted defeat gracefully. I was prepared to do the same after the 3rd quarter. The Super Bowl to Robin and other football fans is like Wrestlemania to me. My boy, The Undertaker has to win an Elimination Chamber to earn a World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania this year. I have a good feeling that he's gonna win this match and once again defeat the World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania. I said that at the beginning of 2008 that this year was gonna be my year. So far, I've been right. With the exception of my boy not winning the Royal Rumble, it's been alright. I drank a lot last weekend, but it was fun. This past weekend, I hung out with Cody. Friday was guys night out. Our boy, Edaniel works at this bar/restaraunt called What's the Beef. We went there to wait for Danny to get out of work. Cody's friend, Jason was with us. I felt for Jay, because his girlfriend is a bitch. They have kid together and I think that's the only thing keeping them together. She's too damn controlling. It took a lot of will power not to hit her. So, the three of us are sitting at the bar. I'm drinking beer, they're drinking mixed drinks. Cody's body has adapted to mixing different drinks in his stomach, so he can hold his liquor well. Jason's trying to keep up with Cody and I'm just drinking. Danny gets out of work and we leave. Danny told his girlfriend that he wouldn't be out of work until 2:00 in the morning. So, since it's guys night out, Jay and Cody scream out, "WE'RE GOING TO THE STRIP CLUB!" So, we drove to Madam Oars, I got in free because I'm a college student still, and I paid for Jason and Danny. Jason bought me a beer and we're sitting at the stage with a dollar bill in our hands. One of the waitresses came over to say hello. "I know you!" she said. I told her my name and she told me hers. Her name's Collette. She went to Harpursville back in the day, but moved somewhere else after 9th grade. We small talked for a bit. Not too long, though. Jason wanted a lap dance, so I gave him $20.00 and decided to get one for me. When I went to pay for mine, the dude at the desk said, "I know you. You went to Harpursville." Again, I told him my name. He turned out to be Kevin Wilcox. He too disappeared after 9th grade. The girl that I had, said I could touch anything that wasn't personal. The golden rule at strip clubs was don't touch unless given permission. I met back up with my boys after she was done. Jason asked Cody to go with him, so he could puke. So, Danny and I hung out with some of the girls. Then, I hear someone say, "Hey, Jack". It was my cousin, Kacie's ex-boyfriend, Carl Drake. Here's the best part of the story. Carl says that he still talks to Kacie and Kacie sees my grandfather all the time. I'm waiting to hear the phone ring, so he can ask what I was doing at a strip club. I'm 22 years old, but if he had it his way, I'd be treated like I was 12. Cody comes back to inform us that our driver is indeed puking...a lot. We say good bye to the people we were talking to and head to the van. Sure enough, Jay is crouched in a fetal position. We throw him in the back and Cody drives back to Danny's place. When we get there, he goes to get Jay's bitch. Danny and I stay with Jay. His bitch isn't too happy, but I could've cared less. I ask Danny if I can go upstairs to go to the bathroom. He says ok and I quietly head to his apartment. I let Danny's girlfriend in on what's going on. Danny ends up bringing Jay upstairs. We throw him into the bathroom, because he claims that he still has to puke. He eventually, makes it out of the bathroom and passes out in the middle of the living room. Cody and I decide it's time for us to leave. On Saturday night, we go back to Danny's to play Kings. It's a drinking card game. Jay's bitch won't allow him to drink, which I think is a good call. However, when he tries to play with us using juice, she keeps saying it's pointless. I swear to God, I wanted to hit her. We finish two games and Jay finally reaches his breaking point. They're screaming at each other and I look at Cody. I suggested that I chug the rest of my beer and then leave. He said that was fine. Danny's girl asked us not to leave. I felt bad for her and I didn't want her to think we weren't having fun, because despite the shouting in the background, we were having a freakin' blast. So, I changed my mind and we stayed. The argument didn't last too long. Jay and Danny go to Price Chopper for whatever reason. Another guy, called Justin showed up earlier. So, him, me, Danny's girl, and Jay's bitch play another game of Kings. After the game, Jason came back and he took his bitch home. No one feels like drinking any more but Danny's girl and me. I only had around four beers that night. The night before, I had seven. So, Cody shows us how to play drunk driver. After that game, we call it a night. Tonight, I'm debating if I want to go to this concert. There's gonna be a party afterwards. Basically, a lot of hot, drunk girls. I don't have to be at College until around noon tomorrow. I'm debating, because I've done a lot of partying this past weekend. Not only that, but I'm doing the same thing this weekend. Maybe taking a night off from getting obliviated wouldn't hurt.

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