Thursday, January 24, 2008

In the UFC World

I started back to college this Tuesday. So far, there's only one class that I know that I'll like. I have to get rid of one class and add another, because the one I have now is too advanced for me. The Royal Rumble's this Sunday, so I'll be pretty hammered if Seth and I can come up with some beer money. There was a special UFC Fight Night on TV last night. I only knew two of the fighters on the card. Nate Diaz was on The Ultimate Fighter Season 5. I chose him to win the entire thing before I ever saw him fight. The reason is that his older brother Nick Diaz is already a UFC fighter and I was sure that Nick probably showed his little brother a lot of things. Sure enough, Nate did become The Ultimate Fighter. The sad truth is that Nate Diaz isn't really that good. He only had one good fight on the show and that was his first one with Rob Emerson. After that, he just got lucky. His next fight with Cory Hill, who stood about 7 feet tall, was terrible. Cory was dominating the fight, but Nate caught him in a triangle choke and submitted him. His next fight was almost the same story. Nate was coming up on the short end and caught his opponent in a lucky submission. In the final fight, it was Nate Diaz vs. Manny something-or-other. I didn't like Manny, because he made a mountain out of a molehill on the second episode of season 5. What happened was that some of the guys from BJ Penn's team were writing stuff like "Team Penn supports the troops" and stuff like that on the walls. Rob Emerson was bored, so as a joke, he wrote "Suck it, Team Pulver" on one of the walls. No one on his team were around when he did this and he didn't really mean anything by it. Nate and Manny both took it personally and were ready to fight the entire team. How immature is that? Nate eventually calmed down, but Manny went on for another ten minutes. I never really liked him after that and his cousin who's also a UFC fighter is a little bitch too. Anyways, despite me not liking him, Manny made it to the finals. Manny dominated the first round. However, he hurt himself somehow when he went for a double leg take-down and tapped out due to the pain. That's how Nate Diaz won. He lucked out again. Also, his attitude on the show was very sad. He did a lot of whining and complaining during the show. He came off as this little punk kid white boy. It looked like he was imitating Eminem without the rapping. Minutes after he won in the finale, one of the commentators who always interviews the winners right after their fight asked him if he had any advice for young fighters trying to get into the UFC. Nate said that "The house sucks, I don't advise anybody going down that path." That was a stupid thing to say. Yes, being on The Ultimate Fighter means that you're isolated from the outside world until the shows over and you're likely to suffer from cabin fever after a while, but it's the easiest way to become a UFC fighter and you should be grateful that you were chosen for the opportunity. A poor way to thank them is to bash the opportunity that was given to you. The guy just thinks he's better than everyone else and he's not. He's just very lucky. The fight last night went the same way. He almost was submitted, but he squirmed out of it and caught his opponent in a lucky triangle choke to win it. I haven't heard anything about season 7 yet, but I'm counting down the days. A former WWE Champion by the name of Brock Lesner will have his first UFC fight against Frank Mir, February 2nd. Brock was a NCAA wrestling champion back in the day. He was very successful in the WWE, winning the WWE Championship three times. After Wrestlemania 20, he left to pursue other opportunities. He planned on playing for the NFL, but that never happened. I found out last Thursday, that he wrestled in Japan, but I don't know how long he was there. He's been training for MMA for months and he ended up signing a contract with UFC. My prediction is that he's gonna win. Frank Mir is no push over, but Lesnar's a big guy and his ameature background speaks volumes. I don't see Frank Mir knocking out or submitting Brock. I see it happening the other way around. Brock could probably do both to Frank Mir with ease. However, anything can happen.

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