Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A New Drinking Game

I'm finally home. I hadn't been home since Saturday. I hung out with Robin and Johnny on Saturday, Sunday, and part of New Year's Eve. I've been at Seth's place ever since. Although I've only been gone a week and two days, it seems like I've been gone for months. I'm having friends hang out with me at my place for the next two weeks. My friend, Stacey's coming over tomorrow and my ex-girlfriend might come over on Sunday. I'm staying home until next Friday. I'm hanging out with Cody, Seth, and Henry that weekend. The WWE House show is next Sunday. After the show, Seth and I are going out drinking. It's funny...Seth brags about how much he drinks when I'm not around to see it, but when I am around, I'll drink much more than he does. Seth's a pussy when it comes to drinking. Come to think of it, Seth's a pussy when it comes to a lot of things. He talks the talk, but he can't walk the walk. Robin asked me why I hang out with him if he irritates me so much. I didn't have an answer for her right away. I finally found an answer for her. When I first met Seth, he has a hard worker (in high school that is). He thought about others before thinking about himself, he was fun to be around, and we were both huge WWE fans. I still watch it, but I'm not as obsessed with it like I used to be. It wasn't until he started hanging out with Henry after he graduated high school that he started to become a lazy, good-for-nothing, loser. I think Henry rubbed off on Seth. Seth Reynolds only cares about Seth Reynolds just like Henry only cares about himself. Henry doesn't do anything for anybody unless there's something in it for him. My mission is to bring Seth back to the person that he used to be. Basically, I hang out with Seth, because I know he's better than who he is now. Nobody's perfect and I'm nowhere close to being perfect, but there's still no harm in trying. Anyways, Cody's doing this thing where he throws a small party every Saturday. I'm invited of course, but I'll probably have to wait until next weekend when I'm up there. Seth and I are ordering this year's WWE Royal Rumble Pay Per View. I decided to make a drinking game out of it. There are five matches announced so far. Every time one of our wrestlers loses, we drink the total number of beers we bet on that wrestler. As for the Royal Rumble, we'll each pick five wrestlers each. When one gets eliminated, whoever chose that wrestler, drinks one beer. So far, I have seven beers bet in total. I still have six more picks. Out of the seven that I have so far, I'm guessing that I'll have to drink four of them. I got this idea from this guy that I was talking to at college. Him and his friends would bet on the UFC fighters. I'll probably do that with Seth's brother.

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