Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back in the Day

The rest of my break has been boring so far. Stacey's car acted up when she was supposed to hang with me, so she never made it. Hopefully, I can get her up here sometime next week. She called me earlier this week to give me a heads up about my ex-girlfriend. Her soon-to-be ex-husband's very controlling and has to know where she is every minute of every day. For some reason, he thinks that she comes up here to hang out with me. We were planning on hanging out sometime, but never got around to it. He's a bit paranoid, but I can assure him that his ex-wife is that last person on this planet that I wanna get back with. I really have no interest in getting back with any of my ex-girlfriends. I can do a lot better than them. Yesterday, I needed to get the money that my grandmother had for me and the only way to do that was to spend the day over there and watch the girls basketball game at my old high school. Even though I was out of the house, I was still bored as hell. I graduated four years ago and there aren't too many people aside from the faculty that remember me. The JV game was extremely boring. Luckily, my friend James Inman came to watch an ex-girlfriend of his play on the Varsity team. So, we reminisced about the days when we were in high school. I was a year above him. Both of us were on the wrestling team. He was on the team during my senior year. Our biggest claim to fame is that we both won our first and only match at the same tournament. It was his first year, so he had a decent excuse. I just plain sucked, but it was so much fun that I kept signing back up. During the Varsity game, we realized that a lot of things have changed. The biggest change that I noticed was the maturity factor. The kids that still went to high school were sitting behind us. They were cocky, arrogant, little bastards. When I said this to James, he said that we were like that when we were their age. We both laughed, but in the back of mind, his response kept playing over and over again. I don't think him and I were really that bad. I know he wasn't. He doesn't talk much unless he knows you. I always showed the faculty and the people around me respect unless they did something to not deserve it. I was definitely a dork in high school, but I wasn't cocky or arrogant. I had no room for that. I wasn't THE most popular kid in school, I wasn't good in sports, I didn't wear what was in style. I got along fine with everyone, but I was never part of the popular crowd. Close to it, but never got there. Anyway, James said that he felt old just by being there. I'm 2 years older than him, so I definitely felt old. We laughed at this, but it was true. When more teachers remember you than students, it's hard to argue with this logic. Tomorrow, I'm hanging with Cody, his roommates, Seth, and Henry. I'll feel a tad bit more comfortable and when I'm with Seth and Henry, I'll definitely feel more mature. I'll make up for my maturity, but getting obliviated over the weekend.

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