Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A New Enemy

Robin called me three times on Saturday. Her and Kara were hanging out while I was stuck at Cortland. Around 8:00 at night, Robin had called me for the third time. Even though I had talked to Kara last week, I still asked Robin how she was doing. Her answer took me off guard. A guy by the name of Nate Boyce got angry at Kara and as a result, he punched her in the knee about four or five times. Before I continue with the story, let me give you a little background on this guy. I met him during my last month at BCC. Denna and I were always hanging around back then. We were just being our playful selves one day, when he came over to us. "Wow, you're a fighter. That's awesome! We'll have to spar someday," Nate told Denna. Now, that sounds innocent enough. At first, I didn't have a problem with him. But, then he started hanging around Denna and myself quite a bit. Every time, he'd get in a fighter's stance and start tagging her with rights and lefts. Sometimes, Denna would go along with it, but there were times that Denna would say, "Alright, that's enough." But, he wouldn't stop. "There's no such thing as enough," he'd say and he'd keep doing what he was doing. Every time Denna was around, he'd have his hands all over her one way or another. I'd glare at him from where ever I was. It was pissing me off that he was trying to steal my thunder. He had this attitude that he could do whatever he wanted. Especially, when it came to girls. Anyways, he'd flirt with Denna all the time and he'd try to blow up my spot. First of all, I don't take too kindly to that. That's really low in my opinion. At one point, when he was messing around with Denna, he almost pulled her arm out of socket. She punched him hard and went over to the other side of the room. I was about to do something about it, but Denna gave me a look. Ever since Nate saw Denna and I playing around, he became attracted to her. The interesting part was that Denna at the time was engaged. Denna knew that I was becoming more and more jealous each day. One Friday, she came to hang out with me at my work. When she came through the door, the first sentence she said to me was, "don't hate me. I just see Nate as a friend and nothing more." I never said anything to Denna about her and Nate, but it was obvious enough that I didn't like it. I told her that I'd try to be cool with everything. Then, she said that if she wasn't engaged, the person she'd be with, would be me. We hung out and everything was cool. There was one day that my anger got the best of me. Denna and I were supposed to hang out. She called me up to ask me to call Bridgette. She wanted me to tell Bridgette not to come for another hour. I said that I really didn't wanna talk to Bridgette if I could help it. Denna got pissed and told me to just forget it. Around this time, Kelcie had just started going out with Cody. I was hanging out with her, then she asked if I wanted to go get something to eat and hang at her house. As we were leaving, my cell phone rang. It was Nate wondering where Kelcie and I were going. I told him not to worry about it. Denna called me later that day, wondering where I was. When I told her, she got jealous. I had to come back to college for my last class. After the class was done, I went to see Denna. She was on the phone, so I waited. Bridgette started to talk to me about how I should've hung out with Denna. I got pissed off for two reasons. One...I did nothing wrong. Two...I can't stand Bridgette and didn't want her getting involved with MY business. Next thing I know, Denna's screaming at me, Bridgette's putting in her two cents, and I'm about to flip out. That's what happens. I scream at Bridgette to stay out of my business, then this other guy that I can't stand gets involved. I scream at him to shut the hell up. He stands up grinning with his arms out. I felt provoked, so I sprung out of my chair and swung at him. Nate got between us and I stormed out of the building. Denna chased after me. Mainly, to apologize for everything. I calmed down and gave her a big hug to let her know everything was alright. Nate did confess to me that he had an affection for Denna and he "knew my pain." The fact is that Nate had no chance in hell with her. Also, it wasn't just Denna that he'd try to get with. It seemed like any girl I was hanging out with, he'd try to blow up my spot regardless if he had a chance or not. as for Denna, if it weren't for her fiance, her and I would probably be dating. In fact, let me get all of this off my chest while I'm in the right mood. I'm not proud of what Denna and I did behind her fiance's back, but I have no regrets. Denna and I are still friends and we still talk at least once a week. However, I think she's made several stupid decisions. Her wedding on the fourth of July was ridiculous. The fact that she moved to Kansas, I find ridiculous. Overall, I don't think her marriage will last. She's just as guilty as I am for everything we've done, this year. However, whenever I'd confront those issues, she'd get pissed off and shut down. Although, I have no hatred or angry feelings towards her, I still think she has a lot of growing up to do. She just couldn't admit that what we were doing was wrong. She only stopped acting this way after our friends started to get involved. Alright, That's about it and that pretty-much covers the background story on Nate. Now, here's what I heard happened. Nate was being his usual jackass self and Kara asked him to stop. He didn't stop and had his feet on her. She pushed his feet off her and he got pissed. So, he punched her in the knee four or five times. When I heard that Nate had done this, rage fueled my body. Kara's an amazing person. In fact, the world could use more people like her. For some asshole to lay a hand on her, just makes my blood boil. Unfortunately, I'm at Cortland. It's not like I could just go to BCC on Monday to take care of this. Luckily, there was something I could do. I gave my boys, Dan and Chris a call. They assured me that they'd have a talk with this asshole for me. I'm going home this weekend, so I plan on stopping up to BCC on Friday. I will admit that I'm hoping to run into Nate, so that I can also talk to him. There's also a few people that I wanna see, because I miss them. I did talk to Kara to see if she was alright. She says that she is, but I think that she'd feel a lot better if she saw me. With my friends, it's like this. I'm close to about 98% of my friends to the point that they're not really friends. They're family. I'm half-Italian, so family means a lot to me. If you mess with my family, there will be consequences. Especially if it's a man hitting a girl.

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