Friday, September 5, 2008

Could've Been Better

I ended up going to Candor for the weekend. Seth called me up around 1:00 in the afternoon. Him and his family were going to the New York State fair and they had an extra ticket. They picked me up at the college. I met Danny's girlfriend's cousin and her boyfriend. Sadly her boyfriend's a douche bag. Nobody in the family likes him. I didn't see anything wrong with him at first, but then he flipped out over something stupid and I saw their point. Anyways, Seth's mom asked if I'd like to stay over at Candor for the rest of the weekend. I jumped at the opportunity. I hadn't been in Candor in months. We got back to Candor a little after 11:30 at night. Seth's brother and Marcy came home shortly after us. I could tell Marcy missed me. She smiled brightly and gave me a big hug. The next night, we went to this drive-in movie theater. The movies that I chose to watch weren't that good. Also, I prefer a regular movie theater. There's less distractions. So, that was kind of a bust, but whatever. It got me off the college and saved me from what could've possibly been a boring weekend. Labor day was nothing special. I came back to the college and just watched TV. Still, my labor day was better than my roommate's. His girlfriend's been jealous of his good friend, Kristi. Kristi was the first person I met at Cortland. She's a nice girl. Anyways, she has a thing for my roommate, Joe and she admitted it last week. Joe doesn't like confrontation, so he's been hanging out with Kristi at nights. He finally told his girlfriend about it and she wasn't too happy. He's been sucking up to her all week and now he's avoiding Kristi. He did nothing wrong from my point of view, but when I discussed this with Robin, she basically said, "He had to have done something wrong if he was sneaking around." So, I really don't know who's in the right. Also, Cody's girlfriend, Kelcie's upset that she's gonna lose him. Kelcie's already thinking about the future and her dream is to get a degree in film, then move to California. Well, Cody wants to stay in New York. He basically said that when she moves, their relationship will be over. I think he's being a stubborn bastard, but that's just me. Basically, this week could've been better for a number of reasons. This weekend, I'll be in the Binghamton area. I'm gonna check out that Indy show, then I'm coming back to Cortland later that night. Sunday, I'm gonna TRY to see Unforgiven. It's not looking good at the moment, though. Worst case scenario, I wait for the DVD to come out.

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