Saturday, September 13, 2008

Two Fun Weekends

I went to that Independent show with Keith Zimmer and Shaun Cummings on Saturday. Before the show, I hung out with Cody and Kelcie for a couple of hours. Then, I met my parents for dinner before going to the show. This one was called ECPW. Now, Keith and Shaun are my boys, but they have this habit of trying to make themselves more important than they really are. Especially when it comes to pro wrestling. Keith was bragging for months that ECPW had a lot of big stars involved. He acted like he was the booker for the entire thing. Well, the fact of the matter is this. Keith isn't as important to ECPW as he thinks. Basically, the actual booker tells Keith to do this or that and Keith does it. Some of these jobs are to collect tickets, get water or beer for the wrestlers, help them find their hotel, stuff like that. Stuff that anybody with two hands and a brain can do. As far as their big stars go. There was a former WWE wrestler called Nunzio at the event. He was nice and signed for me, but that was their only big star that night. ECPW lost a ton of money putting on that show for Binghamton. Only 99 people showed up. Also, the ring looked to be in poor condition. The canvas was taped up due to all the rips it suffered. Their sound system was also a problem due to the fact that they really didn't have one. They used a CD player and a microphone. Long story short, it was unorganized and poorly performed. It was unprofessional. Keith's lips are planted on the booker's ass 24/7 and I don't really see what's so special about the booker at all. Keith's a good guy, but I honestly don't see ECPW going anywhere. The wrestlers themselves were good. They were extremely nice too. Keith, Shaun, and some of the guys that performed that night went out to dinner with us. Keith covered me, which I appreciated. We ended up coming back to Cortland at 3:30 in the morning. The next day, I did my thing and returned to the room later on. When I did, the first thing I noticed was that my roommate had a sling on. He separated his shoulder during his football game. It's gotten better, since then, but he couldn't play in his game, today. My grandmother sent me some money, so I could do my laundry. I also finally gave in and told my dad that I was in desperate need of cash. He said no problem and put some money in my account. So, I went out drinking with Keith, Shaun, and their friend, James who also went to the ECPW show. I noticed a few perks when hanging out with Keith and his friends. The important one being that they usually have a couple pretty and single girls around. Going to the bars in Cortland is no different than going to the bars in Binghamton. Except for the fact that beer is cheaper in Cortland. Usually, when I go out to a bar, I'm looking to hook up with someone. Nine times out of ten, that usually doesn't happen. However, it's especially hard to do that when Shaun's fat ass is being loud and degrading the girls around us. So, I didn't have any success with that, last night. Sometimes, going out by myself benefits me better. The Ultimate Fighter: Season 8 starts this Wednesday on my birthday. Speaking of UFC, Brock Lesnar's fighting my favorite UFC fighter, Randy Coture. That's not until November, though.

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