Thursday, August 28, 2008

My First Week at Cortland.

I arrived at Cortland on Thursday afternoon. It wasn't too bad. My orientation went pretty fast. I had the room to myself for a couple days. There were only a few meetings that I had to go to, but for the most part, I had a lot of free time on my hands. Sunday, my roommate arrived. He's a nice guy. He plays football on the weekends. So far, my experience at Cortland has been a hell of a lot better than my summer at Hancock. Hell, it's been a hell of a lot better than my time at BCC. Speaking of which, only Chris and Dan are representin' over there. I met a few people over here. There's this Australian girl named Jess. I haven't gotten to know her real well yet, but it's still early. The professors are really easy going over here. Hell, the entire college is. BCC only cared about money. If you couldn't pay up, then it sucked to be you. Cortland's better than that. This weekend's labor day weekend. I'm not going home this weekend, but I will be in the Binghamton area next weekend. Next week, I'm gonna check out the college's clubs and stuff. Also, I'll apply for a job on the campus. The only downside so far is that I'm still poor as hell. I wanna change that...FAST! My dad gave me SOME money, but it's slowly starting to run out. I would've had more if I realized my meal plan was activated two days before my roommate arrived. Even though my dad said to call him when I was running low, I don't wanna have to make that phone call until at least October. My birthday's coming up in a few weeks, so I'll be asking for money around that time. Overall, things have been good. A lot better than the past couple weeks. Actually, ever since I left Hancock, I've felt really good. Maybe it's because I'm around people that I'm comfortable around. So far, the people at Cortland are alright. Then again, they don't know too much about me. The important thing is my roommate doesn't have a problem with my beliefs or interests. That's the main thing, because I'm stuck in a room with him for a year. I have been keeping up with my friends in Binghamton. They're doing alright for the most part. I don't feel as isolated as I did when I was in Hancock. Maybe it's because there's actually things to do around here. I haven't gotten hammered in Cortland yet, but it's still early. I'll probably get hammered next Saturday when I'm in the area.

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