Saturday, August 2, 2008

Week From Hell.

It's usually at BCC that the week from hell arrives. Not this time. This time, the week from hell happened at French Woods. Ever since coming back from Binghamton, it's been a freakin' nightmare. I had to deal with internet egotists Monday and Tuesday, my boss has been on my ass, I threw a goodbye party for all the new friends I had made over the summer, which got out of control, and it ended with Scott Schaefer coming back to the house the next day BEFORE I COULD CLEAN IT UP! So, yeah my week sucked. Here's what I could've and should've done differently to have made this week go by smoother. I should've ignored the internet egotists, I shouldn't of had a goodbye party at all, but if I must, then it should've been AFTER the family weekend. The party's the biggest thing that's been bothering me. Overall, it was a great party. However, there were people that got out of control. Some things got broken, the place ended up a huge mess like always, it could've gone much smoother. What I should've done, was taken yesterday off from work to clean up the house. Sure, I'd probably still have gotten a lecture from Scott, but it wouldn't have been that bad. Actually, I think everything is fine, today. I cleaned the house to the best of my ability and I apologized countlessly to Scott. I don't know if the storm has passed yet, he hasn't come back to the house. Part of me is wishing I was home already. Hell, part of me wants to go home tomorrow. I won't...but part of me wants to. Instead, I'll suck it up for the next two days. I doubt Scott'll stick around after tonight. Him and April will stay at the house tonight, but I'm pretty sure all of them will leave tomorrow. I'm gonna pack my stuff up, tomorrow, thank Scott for helping me with the job and letting me stay at the house, tomorrow, and enjoying my last night at camp, tomorrow. On Monday, while I'm working, I'll say goodbye to the people that demanded that I see them before I leave. It's gonna feel so good to be home on Monday. I'll probably go back to watching wrestling that night. Hell, I'll go back to doing everything that night. I've already alerted my friends that I'm coming home and I'm already making plans to hang out with them. First one on my list is Stacey. She had her baby, so it'll be no problem for her to come hang out. Denna's next followed by Stephanie. I'll probably hang out in Binghamton one more time before college starts up. I may have brought this up before, but I'm curious to see if I'll be accepted. In Hancock, the locals that worked at the camp treated me like an outsider. They were nice to me, but they didn't make me feel at home. That was probably the hardest part of everything. It didn't feel like home, so it wasn't home. Even though I didn't grow up in Binghamton, it feels like home. I can't explain how good it felt to be back there, last weekend. It's a damn good thing that this is my last week or I'd probably go out of my mind. I'm waiting very impatiently for the next two days to go by. At least today's Saturday. Sunday's not gonna be too stressful. Monday's my last day, so I'll be grinning all day long. Well...until I have to say goodbye to everybody. There's gonna be a few people that I'll miss. Pretty-much anybody from Australia. Most of the maintenance crew, Meagan from Scotland, and a few others. Still, I need to do this. One of the guys from Russia in Maintenance had a heartbreaking look on his face when I told him I was leaving. There's a lot of people that don't want me to go. Some don't want me to go, because the parties will stop. Although, I'd probably have done away with those after this last one anyways. The rest don't want me to go, because they actually got to know me. Erin from Australia's been one of my biggest fans, since party #2. Hell, that's how I met her. She just showed up, not knowing a damn thing about me. Hell, that's how I met a lot of the people here. They didn't know me. They heard the word "party" and showed up. Parties #1 and #2 went smoothly. In fact, I picked up after party #1 all by myself. Party #3 I wish I never had. It just sucked. Party #4 was great, but I wish I went about things more differently. I'd say overall, everything was alright. However, if I can find a job closer to home next year, I'll take it. If nothing else is available, I'd come back to French Woods. The rules of the house might be different next time, but it'd still be another fun summer.

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