Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back in Binghamton.

Everybody's heard the phrase "You don't know what you have until it's gone." Well, I'm living proof of that sentence. Back in 2004, I lost my home temporarily. Luckily, we got it back. Then, that same year, I lost a potential girlfriend. We never dated, but the opportunity was there. Then just like that, it was gone. Now, I left my home to work somewhere else for the summer. When I returned to Binghamton this weekend, it felt great. Although, I didn't get to hang out with the people I originally wanted to, I still had a great time. Friday, I checked things out, then Edaniel and I went to a strip club with a guy from his work. We've never been to this one. It was ok, but it wasn't the best. I ended up getting two lap dances. The first one was pretty good. The poor girl was a single mother working two jobs. Whether it's true or not, I could care less. She was hot and she was nice, so I gave her a decent tip. The second lap dance was shorter than the first, but something happened. Before I go on, I'll just say that I'm a sucker for eyes. They say they're the window to the soul. With that being said, this girl had beautiful eyes and a nice smile. Her energy was incredible. So, we're in the back room and she does her thing. At one point, she gripped the back of my hair. Not to the point of pain, but it was a firm grip. I'm looking into her eyes, she's looking into mine. It hit a memory. March 30th, Wrestlemania night. Denna and I have the room to ourselves. While we're kissing, she grips my hair firmly. I'll admit that I miss her. My confidence soared whenever I was around her. I still have confidence in my abilities, but I miss hanging out with her. After the strip club, I went to bed. Saturday, I tried to catch up with my friends, but all of them were busy or I couldn't find them. I did run into that one girl from the bar back in February. I'm not sure if I ever talked about that. If I didn't, long story short, I was at a bar, this girl sat next to me, we talked, danced, made-out, stuff like that. Basically, she's a friend with benefits. I know that's the asshole way of putting it, but it fits. We hung out for a bit, then I took Henry, Danny, and Kyle to see 2CW. Man, that was intense. We were front row again. The last fight was a non-sanctioned 8 man tag. The bad guys won, which caused some drunken idiot to throw a chair. One of the heels saw this and said, "everybody get out of the way." We moved and he chased the guy out in the parking lot. It'll probably be on their website within a week. for anybody that wants to check it out. After that, Danny and I headed back to his place. After a few hours, I went to bed. Today wasn't too bad. I didn't really wanna come back to Hancock, but it's my last week. Soon, it'll be all over. I'm not coming back here if I can help it. If I absolutely have to come back next summer, Seth's coming with me. I think if two people were living in this place, it might be better.

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