Sunday, July 13, 2008

Friends Are Like Family.

The rest of the week went a little bit better. My cabin fever's starting to die out. It's due to a lot of things. I think the most important one was the phone call from my dad on Thursday. He's going to Florida in August and he wanted me to come too. So, I talked it over with my boss and I'll be joining him. That means I'll be leaving here in the first week of August. I just need to stick it out for four more weeks. It hasn't been incredibly horrible here, but I still want time to hang out with my friends and family before going to Cortland. So, I'll spend a week in Florida with my dad to visit family, then when we come back home, I'll spend a week and a half hanging out with my friends. Most of my friends are like family to me. Dan, Chris, Steve Clarke, Edaniel, Sarah Pierce, Robin, Johnny, Cody, Kelcie, and Seth's family are like my family too. There's probably more, but I don't have the time to list them all. I'm starting to get to know the counselors a bit more. Since, some of them have partied at the place I'm staying, I'm starting to become the guy where when they see me, they know where the party's at. Hell, I've had 5 people ask me when the next one is. It'll be a week and a half before I have another one and it'll be the last party that I can have, since I'm leaving early, but I plan on making it just as much fun as the last two. Hopefully, this week, I'll have two girls from the camp over here, so I can get to know them better. One of them will probably be over on my day off on Tuesday and I'm inviting the other over tomorrow if I can manage it. What really helped get me over my cabin fever, was Cody and Kelcie coming over for a short time, today. Cody's one of my best boys. Him and I have been there for each other A LOT! When Kelcie started dating Cody, she got to know me very well and it didn't take long for her to trust me. It's funny...she calls me like once a week just to see how I'm doing. Cody and I trust each other with our lives, so there's no mistrust there. Today, when they picked me up from the camp, I could've sworn that Kelcie's face lit up. She kept looking back and smiling brightly. We're like a family. I realized today, that Kelcie's like a sister to me and Cody's been like a brother for years. Anyways, Cody sat in the chair and Kelcie sat next to me on the couch and cuddled a little. It wasn't like Denna and me cuddling or Cody and Kelcie cuddling. It was comfortable. That and they haven't seen me in months and from what Denna told me online, they were missing me badly. April told me that Marcy was also missing me. These guys were so used to having me around that when I left for a few months, they definitely noticed I was gone. Anyways, while Cody and Kelcie were hanging with me at the house, it gave me a vision of what I want after college. Basically, a good job and a nice home where my friends could come over whenever they pleased and feel at home themselves. My dream has always been to be a writer in California. Driving a red or gold mercades convertable. Yeah, I know....I dream big. Someday, maybe the dream will be a reality. As for right now, I'm gonna stick it out for the next four weeks. Hopefully, Cody and Kelcie will make it up here one more time before I leave. Just having them over here for 45 minutes made me feel a lot better. Like I said before. We're a family. That's how it always will be.

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