Thursday, July 3, 2008

What Goes Around...Comes Around.

The finale for A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila 2 happened, last Tuesday. I thought for sure that Bo would be the one she picks. Unfortunately, Tila's still a shallow, immature, dumb, bitch. She decided to choose Kristy, who TRIED SEVERAL TIMES to tell Tila that she wasn't sure if she was ready for such a big commitment. So, when Tila told Kristy that she still had a shot at love and asked if she was interested, Kristy TURNED HER DOWN! I swear it, I never laughed so hard in my life. I was dying. Tila got a taste of her own medicine. She felt what everyone else felt when she turned them down. News flash, bitch. If you're looking for love, a dumbass reality TV show ain't the place to find it. I read the message boards on the MTV website. Some of them actually made good sense. There were a lot of "Tila, you choose the wrong people. What you need to do is call up Bo and beg for a second chance." Screw that. Tila doesn't DESERVE to be with Bo. There was one comment on the message board that I really did like. Basically, it said that Tila broke Bo's heart. Why would he give Tila another chance? Basically, that's like saying: "the one I want to be with, rejected me, so I'm going for second best now." That person was absolutely right. It's insulting. Bo can and will find a hell of a lot better than Tila. The only part that sucks, is the guy got his heart broken by that shallow, immature, little girl. Now, onto The Real World: Hollywood. Man, I don't know where to begin. I guess I'll start with Will. What a scumbag that guy is. Everyone was sent to a five day vacation in Mexico. They started drinking and Will starts making out with that Brittany slut. The girl's not even that attractive. Then, Will started to think of the repercussions. He has this girl, Janelle back in L.A. Brittany has a boyfriend from somewhere. Both of them just cheated on their spouses. Will kind of saved face with me when he called Janelle up and told her what happened. However, he lost my respect again for having a four-person orgy as soon as he got home. Then, Janelle decides that she wanted to talk to him face to face. So, she's giving him the 3rd degree when he excuses himself. He goes to the bathroom to "fake cry". He even admitted to the camera that he can fake tears. WHAT A SCUMBAG! The worst part about it is that Janelle fell for his crying act. They're not together, but they are friends. Sooner or later, they'll get back together. Brittany's a freakin' coward. She told the camera and Will that she's gonna tell her boyfriend, but when he arrived, she backed down. She claims that she'll tell him after she goes back home, but I doubt that. She's a grimy slut and a coward. Now, onto the other girls in the house. The one girl that kind of annoys me, is Sarah. She's one of those "innocent little church girls" that isn't innocent at all. She's very judgmental and thinks she's better than everyone else. Before I go any further, last episode, Brianna finds out there's an arrest warrant out for her. I have no clue what it's about, but I don't care. Brianna's alright in my book. During one of the dinners in Mexico, Sarah makes a stupid comment about Brianna's arrest warrant. Naturally, Brianna flips out on her and I don't blame her. No wonder everyone found it hillarious when Sarah got completely drunk last week and was puking all over the place. She was being humbled. There's one last episode left of both reality shows. Tila's show WOULD be over, but due to the unique circumstances, certain people *cough* BO! *cough* are gonna be able to confront those that humiliated them. Bo's gonna confront Tila and Tila's gonna confront Kristy. I can't freakin' wait. Especially for the Tila/Kristy part of the show. Is there gonna be a season 3? Yeah, but am I gonna watch it? Unsure yet. Real World's a possibility too. Dammit, I got hooked on this crap. Oh well, at least I'll be very entertained and amused.

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