Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Reality's Not America.

Due to the controversy of the finale of A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila, there was a special show on that gave the three of them the chance to confront each other. They had Bo and Kristy on seperately, then they had both of them on. Obviously, there was no tension there. Then, the real fun began when Bo finally got to ask Tila why she didn't choose him. Her answer wasn't really good enough. Actually, she just looked more immature and shallow. Nothing out of the ordinary there. The real entertainment when Tila contronted Kristy about her actions on the season finale. Kristy humiliated Tila in front of the world whether she meant to or not. She gave Tila exactly what she deserved. During the confrontation, Tila called Kristy a fake bitch. If that's not calling the kettle black, then I don't know what is. Kristy's rebuttal was that Tila did the exact same thing to 60 people. Of course Kristy's right. Tila just couldn't handle it when it was done to her. It's too bad that Tila doesn't read this, because I'd love to put it in writing that the only fake bitch on that freakin' show is Tila Tequila. Tila's so freakin' stupid for looking for true love on a reality show. Did she honestly think that she'd find her sole mate by rejecting 29 people? No, the only thing that Tila wanted, was attention and she got it. Overall, the confrontation disappointed me. The host looked like a jackass at the end, because Tila walked off the stage, because she couldn't handle the truth. In fact, she called Kristy a few harsh names, then walked her skanky ass off the stage. Kristy flipped out and said: "You wanna know the real truth? Tila's a bitch!" All I have to say about that is GOOD FOR YOU, KRISTY! Seriously, Kristy has my admiration and respect for giving the stupid, shallow, immature bitch exactly what she deserved. I haven't watched The Real World: Hollywood yet, but as soon as I do, I'll put up an update for that. As for the past few days with me, I'm starting to mentally lose it. I think I have a case of cabin fever. The only places I really go are to work and then back to the house. It's like the storyline from the Simpsons movie. The government put a huge dome over Springfield. So, you had Springfield, then you had the rest of the world. That's what it feels like here. I talked to Danny yesterday about it. I felt better afterwards. The hardest part is that the guys I work with, don't really get me. I'm talking about the virgin situation. I'm waiting for the right one and the right moment. I won't know that until I get married. I have no interest in getting laid just for the sake of getting laid. They don't quite understand that and it's hard to be around people like that. Don't get me wrong, they're cool as hell. It's just that they can't relate to me. We had another party at the house again. This time, there were about 30+ people here. There were three girls at the party that I point-blank wanted to get to know more. One of them got too drunk, threw up, and fell asleep in the bedroom next to mine. Another one, I sort of got to know, but she doesn't drink alcohol, however I did get her soda. Still, I didn't reach that connection that I wanted. However, the third girl was one of the new ones that I had just met a few hours ago. She's from Thailand and she's VERY gorgeous. So, we're hanging out in my bedroom. Then, after talking a bit, she allows me to rub her back. While I was rubbing her back, she said that she was surprised by how Americans really act. It turns out that she thought ALL AMERICANS were based on the ones that she sees on MTV. She was pleasantly surprised to learn that's not the case. Her words reminded me of a song called Hollywood's Not America. MTV basically degrades Americans by the crap that they produce. In a way, it really irritates me, because I'm nothing like the people shown on MTV. I'm not immature, I'm not shallow, I don't degrade men and women like they do. There's assholes all around the world. It's important that no one judge all the people in one race based on how a person from that race acts. I'm a straight-up gentleman. Hell, I'm probably the last of my kind. Whenever I take a girl on a date, I PAY FOR EVERYTHING! If she attempts to pay for anything, I wave it away and I pay for it, myself. Hell, my date with Ashley in 2005 to see WWE RAW Live on TV was the best $132 I ever spent. I open doors for girls, I pull out their chairs for them. If they look cold, I offer them my jacket. If I'm talking to a girl in a bar, I buy her a drink or two. So, as a reward for being a gentleman, she gave me a back rub as well. Man, she's very good at them. In Thailand, they teach them right. Then, we returned to the party where some idiot, locked the bathroom door with no one inside. Someone kicked it in and we fixed it the next morning. Overall, the party was a blast. I just wish some of my boys from home could make one. I do miss my boys...and my girls...and my family, but I need this job. I had to make some sacrifices, but they'll pay off in the end. In two weeks, I'm taking a weekend off and going home. I'll still have to return for a couple more weeks, but just being home for two and a half days will take a lot of the stress off. I might have said this already, but I'll repeat it again. They didn't NEED me, but they hired me, because of the connections I have. If that's not enough, I feel like I'm not pulling my share of the weight. I'm still good with the guys, but I don't feel like I'm on their level. My comrade from Russia tells me everyday that I'm a good man. It's very encouraging to hear that. But, at the same time, I wish I could do better, but they don't really need me. They have enough guys with more experience than me. They treat me good and everything, but I feel bad asking for days off. Hell, my boss MADE ME take this coming Tuesday off. I'd prefer to take Friday off to see the Dark Knight, but what are you gonna do? I'm working on an alternative way to see it. This weekend's family weekend at the camp and Cody said he's thinking of coming up on Sunday like he promised. So, things will get better. I've been in harder situations before. I'll just suck it up for another couple of weeks, then I'll hang out with my boys again. Maybe some of my girls too.

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