Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just Like Home.

The guys that I worked with wanted to have a party on Wednesday. After the last party, I wasn't really up for drinking with these guys again. So, I enjoyed a quiet night at the house. Thursday morning, I asked them how everything went. They said that they didn't have the party yet. They were gonna have it on Thursday. The weather sucked and they didn't have a place to have their party. Enter: Jack Jack. Around 12:30 in the afternoon, one of the guys asked if I lived alone. I told him that I did. His eyes lit up. I stared saying "no, no way in hell. You are NOT having it at my place!" Then the others were like, "that's a great idea, man. You have plenty of room. Come on, man. We'll help you clean up afterwards." I kept saying no, but they kept bugging the hell out of me, so I finally said "ALRIGHT, FINE!" Then, I laid down some ground rules. There were only two of them. First one was to keep the place as clean as possible and the second was no one was to question my sex life or lack of. I asked how many people the guys invited. They said about fifteen. Well, I counted around 20+. A good ratio of males and females. Most of them foreign and gorgeous. I will admit that I didn't WANT to be part of this. I will also admit that I'm glad that I had the party at the house after all. Everyone liked the house and they kept it clean as possible. Nothing got broken and everyone had a good time. One of girls was talking to me when I was grabbing another beer. We started talking in the kitchen, but it started to get hard to hear her, so I suggested that we go to my room and talk. So, that's what we did. We would've talked for hours if I didn't have to pee. I held it as long as I could, but eventually, I had to excuse myself. Then, we re-joined the party. It lasted a couple more hours, then everyone left. The guys said they'd swing by the next day to help pick up. They probably would have, but I decided to get most of it cleaned up before retiring for the night. Good thing that I did, because the guy that's letting me stay here, arrived the next afternoon. Luckily, the place was clean. Also, the girls that work in the kitchen smile at me now. Working on the 4th of July is interesting. Until the fireworks, it didn't seem like a holiday. The camp spent $6500 on fireworks this year. Man, I never saw anything like it. They put on one hell of a show. There were a few new ones that I've never seen before. They were pretty cool. The last two days reminded me of home. When I was a kid, we'd go to my Aunt and Uncle's cottage on the 4th of July. We'd stay until the fireworks were over. On the weekends, I'd drink with my friends. So, the last two days felt like home a little. Today, seemed to fly by. I worked as always and I'm not taking a day off until July 18th. The Dark Knight plays in theaters that day. I've been impatiently waiting to see it. I get pissed off whenever they show a new trailer for it. They're ruining it for me. It doesn't help that they keep playing a Dark Knight trailer every couple minutes either. I was the same way for American Gangster. Man, I was counting down the days. Hell, everytime I saw the trailer, I got more and more pumped up. I just liked the song that they used for the trailer. It was "The Heart of the City (ain't no love) by Jay-Z. Hell, I skipped work to see that movie. Basically, I worked at the college as a computer proctor and I had a cool boss. When I got to the theater to see it, there were a lot of adults and senior citizens there as well. I was the only 22 year old in that freakin' theater. The movie was awesome. I still plan on buying the DVD. Denzel Washington's one of my favorite actors. I haven't seen ALL of his movies, but I've seen most of them. There's a new one out on DVD that I wanna see. I think it's called The Great Debaters. Anyways, my boy, Cody and his girlfriend, Kelcie are gonna swing by tomorrow. I know when they see the house, they'll help me plan another get-together. This house is just too big to not be used.

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