Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's Good To Be Home

When I was saying good bye to my friends at French Woods, a lot of them asked if I had a facebook. I didn't have one at the time, but my roommate from Cortland called me, today. I never met him, but we discussed our living arangements. He seems cool enough. Well, he has a facebook and asked if I had one. So, today I made one. I found a lot of people from my high school. I technically have a myspace too, but I hate it. So, I never use it. I have a picture of me and Denna up as my profile picture. Speaking of her, she left for Kansas last week. That's fine and everything, but she forgot to say good bye to someone....ME! To add to my amusement, I took a look at Ashley's blog and I may have found another cheap shot. "I hate it when people act like jerks then say they're my best friend." Um...I haven't done that one in a while, so I'm not sure. Either way, I'm better than her. Everyone knows it. I have so many friends, I lost count. Ashley can count HER friends on one hand. Ok, enough slandering on my end. So far, things have been much better, since returning home. At the WWE Show, I got Big Show's autograph. Believe me, it wasn't easy. He was swamped with fans. Friday, I'm gonna be drinking with Cody, Kelcie, and Danny. Just like we did back when I was at BCC. The difference is that certain people won't be there *cough* DENNNA *cough*. Oh well, I'll just have to deal. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go drinking with an old school friend of mine. That is if he remembers to pick me up. The thing is that he plans on coming around 2:30 in the afternoon. So, by the time I get home, I'm gonna be so blitzed. I'll need all of Thursday to recover by Friday.

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