Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busy As Hell

I have one more day until I head to Cortland. This past weekend was fun. Friday, Cody and Kelcie came over to Danny's and we had a few shots of whiskey and Captain Morgan. It doesn't take much to get Kelcie drunk. They didn't stay long. In fact, they had a few shots and left. The next day, I was walking around, when I saw a big maroon van honking at me. It pulled over and the guys that I worked with stepped out of it. Man, that was a shocker. They were the last guys I'd expect to run into. So, all of us headed to the mall. I ran into a few more people I knew. Some of them are going to Cortland as well. I was poor as hell, so I didn't buy anything that wasn't food. It was nice to see them. That reminds me. I ended up getting a facebook, because so many people asked if I had one. Technically, I have a myspace too, but I never use it. I like facebook better. As soon as I figure it out, there'll be a link on the sidebar of this thing, so you all can access it. I'll get some pictures up there as soon as my friends e-mail me the ones they have. Saturday night wasn't anything special. Seth called me up, because he was in the area. I met him at this cafe. His mom got us desert. After that, I headed back to Danny's. We just hung out the rest of the night. Sunday, I went to church, because I haven't been there in a while. Of course I saw Ashley and she surprised me in a way. She was actually kind of nice to me. She's starting a new job, but she said we'd hang out sometime. I found out the reason why she's having a change of heart. She talked to her ex-boyfriend (my friend) Matt Ditch. I talked to Ditch online and asked him to check out her blog to see if it was just me or was she taking cheap shots at me. He confirmed that it was indeed a cheap shot. I guess they talked online too. I don't know what he said, but I'm sure he let her know that he didn't think it was right. I'm no saint by any means. I've done some things I'm not proud of and I apologized for them. I don't attack anyone unless they attack me. Unless I really hate them, then I attack the hell out of them. The rest of that day, I hung out with Robin. I was hoping that I'd be able to hang out with some of my other friends like Stephanie, Amanda, Felicia and Kara. Monday, I found out my grandfather's back in the hospital. Great...just freakin' great. It doesn't help that I'm leaving tomorrow. There's nothing I can do about it, which just makes it worse. If I could put off leaving for college, I would. I'm not 10,000 miles away, but I'm still pretty far. Tuesday, my best friend from High School stopped by the house. He joined the army in 2003. He signed up for another 4 or 5 years. He hasn't changed much. We went out to dinner, yesterday. He's a friend of the family. Tom's one of the few of my friends that my dad not only tolerates, but he likes. That's a big deal, because my dad doesn't like a good majority of the friends that I've brought to the house. I have good friends, but there's a couple that need to work on a few things...like people skills. Today, I finished everything that I need for Cortland. Then, tomorrow I head over there in the afternoon. Part of me wants to go, the other part wants to stay home. I might as well go, because most of my friends will be heading back to college soon as well. Some I'll see over there.

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