Friday, August 8, 2008

Coming Home...Finally.

I can't begin to describe how good it feels to be home. The experience overall wasn't a bad one, but I'm never going back to French Woods if I can help it. I made the same promise when I left my summer job last year. The last two days of my job weren't too bad. My last night over there, the guys and I went to the movies. I ended up seeing Dark Knight for the second time, because I promised my mom that we'd see the new Mummy movie when I came home. My last day, I spent most of it looking for people I have met and wanted to keep in touch with. Ben, who works for Scott at the computer lab over there, helped me out. He printed up three sheets of my contact info. I cut them out and handed them out. After many hugs, handshakes, and best wishes, I hurried back to the house, finished throwing the rest of my stuff in my bags, and waited for my dad. He took me to one of the bars in Harpursville before we made it home. Tuesday, not to be outdone by my friend, Stacey as the first one to see me, Robin and Johnny stopped by for a bit. Then, Stacey came over. Man, it was good to see them again. Wednesday, I stopped by to see a few friends. My friend, Stephanie came home before I did. She'd been in Florida, doing a Disney intership for 8 months for college credit. We've been friends for about 3-4 years, but we didn't get to know each other until spring of 2007. I called her when she was in Florida a few times. I thought I was being a bit extreme until I left home. My phone calls must have been a huge comfort while she was away. Her and I might hang out, next week. I stopped by to see Danny after that. I'm taking him to watch wrestling, this Sunday. Yesterday, Robin, Johnny, my mom, and myself went to see the Mummy movie. It wasn't too bad, but it seemed like the entire story was rushed. As far as the weekend goes, today I did absolutely nothing. Tomorrow, I'm going to Robin's graduation party. Sunday, My mom and I are going to my aunt and uncle's cottage in Windsor, then Danny and I are going to watch wrestling. I'll probably try to visit a few more of my friends while I'm there. Next week, I don't really have anything going on. Basically, I'm just trying to see as many of my friends that I can before I leave again. I have a feeling that Cortland will be different than the camp. I have a feeling it will be much better. Although, the people at the camp weren't bad people, they didn't really make me feel at home. I was the outsider and that's how it stayed the entire time. If anyone were to come to Harpursville or Binghamton and hung around my friends, we'd make them feel like they're one of us. A lot of people that live in Harpursville and Binghamton complain about the lack of entertainment, but overall, I'd rather be here than anywhere else in the world. This is my home. No matter where I go. No matter where I move. This will forever be my home.

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