Friday, August 15, 2008

All This Pressure.

This week has sucked for the most part. I had to pay part of my college tuition, which I was barely able to do. The part that sucks is that I'm damn-near broke from it. I probably should've stayed home this weekend, but I'm a stubborn s.o.b. Thanks to my dad, I have enough to get me through the weekend. The last thing I need to do before leaving for Cortland is get immunization shots. I'm not sure how well that's gonna work out. My doctor's on vacation for a few weeks. My parents are trying to get me in earlier than what was suggested. This past Wednesday, I had this stress-caused head ache. That's the first time I've ever gotten a head ache due to stress. The worst part was that I still had it yesterday morning. I took an aspirin and went back to bed. I woke up a couple hours later and the head ache was gone. Then, I drained what I could out of my bank account. My friend, Cory came by in the late afternoon. He asked if I wanted to go out. I sadly told him that I only had $3.00 in my wallet. He just waved a hand and said he got it. Before we left, my dad came home. He said he might stop at the bar later if we were there. That's what he did. He gave me some cash to last me the night. I only used half of it and the other half will get me through the weekend. I'll pay him back next week. He's not the only one that I owe money to. I still have to pay Robin back for Mother's Day. Henry owes me money, but he's an idiot and on top of that, he's unemployed. I swear...if I catch him buying anything, I'm adding on a $20 stupidity fee. Tonight, I'm gonna be drinking with Cody, Kelcie, and Danny. Saturday, I don't necessarily have plans, but there's still a few people that I haven't seen, since I came home. Sunday's the reason why I came to Binghamton in the first place. WWE Summer Slam's this Sunday. I'm supposed to pay for pizza. I'm gonna ask Danny if he can help out with that. Man, being poor sucks. One good thing about going to Cortland will be that I can find a job while I'm there. Dad's giving me some cash before I go up there, because he couldn't get me a plane ticket last month. It won't last though, because I still need to pay for the freakin' books. Last night helped relieve a lot to the stess I was dealing with, this week. I ran into several people that I went to school with. The best part is that I woke up without a hang over. I plan on having as much fun as possible, this weekend. Because I don't think next week will be any better.

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