Monday, July 27, 2009

Old Friends And Backstage Politics

I feel a lot more calmer than I did before. Then, I realized that I haven't been hanging out with Seth that much. I have to go back there at some point, this week. I need a haircut and I have no other way to get the cash to get one. Also, I really need to get my video games and stuff that I left over there. Then, I'm gone. I won't even be a memory. Dan, Chris, their girlfriends, and Steve came over on Saturday. I haven't seen those guys in a month and I've been trying to get a hold of them for a couple weeks now. Chris is now dating Bridgette's sister, Annette. A couple things that should be noted. She's 17 years old and she's acts like her sister. I realized that if anything, I have to tolerate Bridgette for Dan's sake. Same goes for her sister with Chris. With that being said, I can express how I really feel. I don't like either one of them. Bridgette's a manipulative bitch and Annette's an attention-seeking whore. The funny part is that Chris would scold me whenever I gave any girl attention. "You don't have a shot with her, so why bother?" he'd say. When we were on my deck and no one was paying attention to Annette, she'd walk to the car. Chris would go after her. It was really pathetic, but I said nothing. Chris is happy for now. I know she's gonna end up hurting him. Then again, maybe he'll end up dumping her and moving on. Dan dumped Bridgette once, although he felt extremely bad for this. She manipulated her way back into the picture. Mike Sisin and I feel the same way about that. He keeps assuring me that she'll screw it up, but I'm not so sure. If they hurt my boys, I'll make their lives a living hell. Danny taught me that. The only reason why Denna was spared, was due to the fact that her life started hitting rock bottom. Otherwise, Danny would've made her life hell. Yesterday, I went to hang out with Robin and Abby. I haven't been over there in about a month. Back in the day, I was always hanging out with Robin. Ever since I left for Cortland, I haven't really hung out with all of them like I used to. Robin graduated from BCC, so when I came back, she wasn't there. After hanging out with them, I headed over to Danny's to watch WWE Night of Champions. Sometimes, WWE and UFC PPVs can suck. WWE really hasn't had a good PPV, since WrestleMania. Last night, the PPV was very good. I was impressed. UFC has some promising cards coming up. I'm not sure if Danny plans on getting them or going to Tioga Downs or not. The next season of Ultimate Fighter starts a day before my birthday. The only problem that I have with that already, is Kimbo Slice will be competing. Kimbo Slice is already an experienced fighter from another organization. However, due to his street fighting background, Dana White has refused to sign him to a contract UNTIL he went through the Ultimate Fighter house. Come on, Dana. That's not fair to the others that aren't as experienced. I'm predicting that Kimbo's gonna bulldoze the competition. I still don't think it's fair. Then again, anything can happen in a fight. A fighter could get a lucky punch or kick in. Kimbo could make a mistake and get caught in a submission like Brock Lesnar. As far as Lesnar goes, I don't agree with how he got a title shot, but I am very glad he kicked Frank Mir's ass. However, I want someone to dethrone him. Unless he destroys Matt Hughes, then I don't care how long he has the belt. Too bad that Hughes is only a welterweight. Unless Brock cuts weight or Hughes gains weight, that fight'll never happen. Randy Couture's fighting at UFC 102. It's gonna be him and Antonio Nogueira. I'm pulling for Randy, but if Antonio gets the victory, I'm not gonna be too devastated. I like both of those guys. I'd like to see Randy Couture/Brock Lesnar II. I'd like to see a different outcome if that ever happens. Brock never deserved that belt in the first place. No wonder why fans were booing him at UFC 100. He still thinks he's in WWE. He showboated a bit. I think Kimbo Slice's in his weight class. I'd like to see Brock showboat with him in the octagon. I bet it wouldn't get him very far.

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