Friday, May 16, 2008

Things Are Heating Up.

Team Forrest gained two victories on The Ultimate Fighter. Quentin's frustrated as hell. He strikes me as a guy that doesn't like to lose even if he's not the one getting his ass kicked. The last preliminary fight is next week, then we move into the quarter-finals. The first guy that lost that night, threw a temper tantrum. I wish some of these guys would grow the hell up for the love of god. He kept bitching that he wasn't even knocked out. He claims he was consious the entire time. Bullshit, that knee to the jaw dropped him. It wasn't a spectacular fight by any means, but the ending helped. Not only was he throwing a tantrum, but he was talking to the camera about how his kids are gonna watch the show and what would they think of him for losing? So, throwing a temper tantrum is all the much better? If I were his kids, I'd be ashamed of him, because he's acting like a freakin' eight-year-old. After the second fight, everyone thought it would go to a third round. When it was announced that the judges came to a decision, Forrest said very loudly that his guy would fight a third round. Quentin agreed that the fight should go to a third round. In my opinion, they're right. Quentin's guy won the first round, Forrest's guy won the second round. The judges had it that Forrest's guy won the fight. Quentin got pissed and said that he guarentees that his fight with Forrest won't come to a decision. Overall, Quentin and Forrest don't have any hatred for each other. Not like Tito Ortiz and Ken Shamrock did. Same with Jens Pulver and B.J Penn. They sure as hell didn't hate each other like Matt Serra and Matt Hughes. Quentin's just frustrated. I don't like losing either, but I'm not qualified to coach any kind of sport. The show's starting to display signs of having a few fireworks go off. The preview shows Forrest flipping out, which is unique, because I've never seen Forrest when he's pissed. He's usually the comic relief. Quentin does this howling thing before he enters the octagon to fight, but on the show, he seems to like to have fun and stuff. At the end of the day though, it's not about having fun, it's about coaching those guys to win a six figure contract. I have a feeling Matt Brown will be this year's winner.

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