Thursday, May 1, 2008

Team Forrest: 3 Team Rampage: 0

Another one of Forrest's guys have advanced in the tournament. In my opinion, Team Rampage got screwed. Quentin's guy was trying to inflict more damage. He was working his ass off, but he has nothing to show for it. Quentin went on a little "rampage" (no pun intended) of his own. I really can't blame him. His fighter got screwed. It's not like these guys are fighting for the first time on the show either. They had to fight for their spot in the house. Somehow, the judges always manage to pick the wrong person to win the fights if it comes to a decision. Personally, that fight was boring as hell. It reminded me too much of Josh Koschek's fights from Season 1. He'd just take his opponent down and hold him there. He wouldn't do anything else. The guy's also a first class asshole right next to Hughes. The next UFC PPV is gonna be big. BJ Penn, who coached on Season 5 is fighting, a guy named Keith Jardine from Season 2 is fighting, and Tito Ortiz, who coached Season 3 is fighting someone who's undefeated. I think Season 3 was the most heated season that the UFC has had. Tito Ortiz and Ken Shamrock were the coaches and they HATED each other. There were a couple times that they almost got into it on the show. Surprisingly, they were able to wait until the PPV. Ortiz rocked Shamrock by TKO in the first 24 seconds of the fight. Getting back to Season 7, the next fight has already been announced. Jeremy May vs. Matt Brown. Not only is it an elimination fight, but it's a grudge fight. Jeremy May has been annoying everyone in the house. As a "harmless prank", he put lemon juice in Matt's chewing tobacco. Matt's a no-nonsense kind of guy and he really didn't appreciate it. I don't blame Matt for being pissed. First of all, you don't take anything that doesn't belong to you. Second of all, you don't tamper with anything that's not yours. Jeremy did both. Usually, when a fight is announced, the two fighters shake hands. These guys just stared each other down. Of course Jeremy thought it was a big joke and gestured that Matt wasn't that tall. Matt had a look that said he was ready to kill. Jeremy was smiling for the most part. I know this much, if Matt were staring at me like that, I'd be running in the opposite direction. It showed a few highlights for the next episode. One of Matt's teammates told the camera: "I'm predicting Matt winner by....murder." He definitely looked like he was capable of such brutality. So, things are finally start to heat up inside the house. Tensions are rising. Personally, if Jeremy wins this fight, it'll be due to a lucky shot or submission. I'm predicting that Matt will win this fight and it won't go to a decision.

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