Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Game Plan

Last weekend, I was able to get one of Denna's old friends to hang out with her again. Since Denna usually spends time with me on the weekends, her friend hung out with us. Her name's Kelcie. She's the one that Denna wanted me to hook up with originally. Due to circumstances that weren't in my power, things changed. Denna and I were the ones that got closer together. The good news is that Kelcie and Cody are on the verge of dating now. So, Cody and I came up with a new game plan. He dates Kelcie and I date Denna. It may sound easy, but it's really not. Denna's still dating the dumbass from the army and that won't change until he comes back around June. Even then, she may choose him over me. Kelcie said that I need to protect myself. She doesn't wanna see anyone hurt either. She's actually given me a lot of good advice over the past few days. I already know how this could all turn out. There are some good endings and some bad endings. Like I've said many times before, it's frustrating as hell, but I'm dealing with it. If anything, Kelcie and Cody'll probably hook up. That part looks to be in effect. It's funny...even Kelcie's pulling for me to hook up with Denna. Basically, everyone's like "screw this other guy". This one guy who had seen Denna and I playing thought her and I were together. Believe me, I'd love to be in a relationship with her, but it's really up to her. So, part of the plan will probably go in effect. As far as the rest of the plan goes, that's up to Denna. Also, we have dumb bitches like Bridgette trying to ruin everyone's relationships, so she has more options for when she dumps her moronic boyfriend. Yesterday, I saw Bridgette talking to Kelcie about Cody. I knew something was up, so I talked to Kelcie today to find out what that yapping female dog said about my boy. Sure enough, she was trying to create a wedge between the two of them. She told Kelcie to make sure Cody's over his ex-fiance before getting in a relationship with him. First of all, Cody's ex-fiance could care less who he dates. She's dating one of his old roommates and it's not really bothering him all that much. Second of all, I'm sure that Cody is over his ex-fiance. They don't even talk anymore. Bridgette's trying to cause friction between Cody and Kelcie, so she has a fail-safe. The joke's on her, because Cody finds her annoying at times. I let Kelcie know what kind of person Bridgette was and I assured her that I'd give Cody a call to let him know what's been going on. Just like I told Kelcie, if anyone gets in the way of what they have going on, I'm taking them out. If they happen to be female, I'll give either Robin or Marcy a call and have them deal with them. I know my friends have my back with Denna, so I'm just returning the favor. That and Cody's my boy. He's always had my back, so I have his.

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