Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Frustrating Situations

Ever since Wrestlemania 24, Denna and I have hung out a lot on the weekends. We've grown very close to each other. However, both of us still have to hold back a little bit, because of certain people. It's very frustrating and it's not really fair to the both of us, but there's nothing I can do about it. I just have to be patient. I also need to stop listening to Cody and Robin. Although, their intentions are good, I need to do this on my own. Whenever, they get involved, things become rocky between Denna and I. I've seen just about every emotion from her that a person can express. She's only seen me a little down or happy. She hasn't witnessed the anger part yet. She's heard stories, but she hasn't seen it in person. As much as I like hanging out with her, I'd be happier if it were just her and me. Right now, she's got that dumbass in the army. The funny part is that everyone is pretty-much pulling for me. Even people in her own family are pulling for me. It's like they know this army dumbass isn't for her and I am. I give it a couple more months. He'll come home for a couple weeks, she'll realize I have more to offer, he'll be kicked out of the picture. Until then, I'll just continue to be patient. I've been hanging out at Cody's over the past few weekends. So, of course Denna's been hanging out with us too. Every Saturday, we've had our traditional parties at Edaniel's. The down side is that Bridgette and Brad have been coming too. I made it no secret that I can't stand either one of them. They create a bunch of drama and good people like Denna get sucked into it. I swear it...last weekend, I almost flipped out. Everyone was having a good time and then they had one of their bitch fits. Denna got all upset and I was ready to kill. Not only that, but when Bridgette's around, Denna and I have to be very careful around each other. She brushed my cheek with her hand at one of the parties and Brad raised his eyebrows. She saw it, not me. If I saw it, I'd ask him what the hell he was looking at. Thankfully, there are others that are starting to get annoyed with those two. Jeff has been annoyed, but now Cody's starting to get a little irritated. That's big, because Cody's the one giving them rides. Bridgette always calls him during the week to see if there's something going on that weekend. All he has to do is tell her that the Saturday night parties are no more and the problem's solved. Danny and Jay are getting sick of her too. That's also big, because they can tell Cody not to let her come. It's their place, so they can choose who to let in. There's also a new policy. If you don't bring something with you, there's a $5.00 fee at the door. This doesn't apply to me, because I always bring a 30 pack with me. However, this too could stop those two from coming. They're always bitching that they have no money. Every week, more and more people get annoyed by Bridgette and Brad. It's only a matter of time before they're kicked out of Danny's door. Cody and I do things for Danny and Jay, so we're always welcome there. Cody sometimes drives Danny home and I invite Danny to watch PPVs with me or buy him tickets to independent wrestling shows. For his birthday, I bought him a front row ticket to TNA wrestling. That show is next month. Getting back to the Denna thing, her and I think almost exactly alike. On the phone, both of us will speak at the same time. We can tell what the other is thinking just by our facial expressions. Hell, her eyes light up and she becomes more lively when I enter the room. I probably do the same thing without realizing it. When we have privacy, we're allowed to be us. When people are around, we have to be careful. Although, my friends already know we like each other a lot, she doesn't wanna get a bad rep. I don't think she will, but I'm not gonna push it. I'm taking things one day at a time. 2008 will be my year. I can feel it.

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