Monday, April 7, 2008

Another Two-A-Day Weekend

Last weekend on Sunday, Denna hung out with my friends and I. It was one of the best nights that I've had. Last Friday, Cody threw a party at his place. Of course, Denna was invited. Unfortunately, so were Bridgette and Brad. It's no secret that I can't stand Bridgette. The only thing more annoying than her is when both her and Brad are in the same room. When Cody brought Bridgette and Brad to the house, he started offering them shots. It's a party, so that's not out of the ordinary. However, Brad's engaged to Bridgette. Yet, he wanted to do shots with Denna instead. I'm sorry, but when you get engaged to someone else, aren't the two of you supposed to do those kind of things? Even though Bridgette's a conceited, controlling, annoying, shrew, he shouldn't be focusing his attention on other women. Especially, Denna because I'm already five steps ahead of him anyway. As a result, both of them got completely trashed. Worse than she did on Sunday. Cody and Jeff had to babysit her, while Bridgette screamed at Brad. It took a lot of will power not to scream at her to shut the hell up. Brad's a freakin' idiot. If you need proof, he's engaged to Bridgette. Enough said there. Jeff ended up kicking in a door when he thought Denna had passed out. Luckily, she was still consious. The next morning, she felt a bit dizzy, but she had to help her family move out of their old house and into another one. Later, she was gonna go with me to my friend Mike's 21st birthday party. At first, she wasn't gonna go, but after thinking about it, she decided that she wanted to go after all. What I loved the most about this was that Bridgette wasn't gonna be there. Also, it was at Mike's cabin in Oxford. I can't really give too many details about that party, because what happens at the cabin, stays at the cabin. I will say that Denna had fun at this party too and didn't get totally hammered like Friday. I'll also say that the walk to the cabin was very entertaining. It's funny...when Denna's shy around people she doesn't know, she gets really close to the people that she does know. This time, it happened to be me. I liked Saturday's party a lot better than Friday's. Bridgette wasn't there and I was with people that didn't annoy me constantly. Along with Bridgette and Brad being there, our friend Paul was there too. When Paul's sober, I don't mind being around him. When he's hammered, he's a pain in the ass. Even Cody's starting to get a little iritated by him. On Saturday, it was me, Denna, Mike, his uncle, Dan, Chris, and one of Mike's friends called Shayla. There were supposed to be more, but a lot of them cancelled. When Mike drove us back on Sunday, I fell asleep around 11:00 in the morning. I woke up around 3:25 in the afternoon. It was too nice of a day to waste inside, so I took a long walk. Then, later that night, I talked to Denna. Ever since we've been hanging out, we've been avoiding any and all uncomfortable subjects. Thanks to Mike and Robin talking to her, we finally approached them. It was a good thing that we confronted those issues when we did. This isn't gonna be like the Ashley thing. This time, no one's gonna get hurt. Also, this time I'm a little bit more mature about it. I don't know what's going on this weekend. It depends on Seth, Cody, and a few other people. Personally, I'd like it if Bridgette and Brad stayed the hell away from me, but if we end up doing something at Cody's, I can't do anything about it. At Candor, it's a Bridgette/Brad free zone, which is just the way I like it. It's about time Seth got off his ass and planned something for all of us to do. I'll talk to him, tonight. Maybe we can do something at his place, this weekend.

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