Thursday, June 26, 2008

Coming Down to the Final...Everything.

The Ultimate Fighter 7 is done. Amir beat CB twice to get the title of Ultimate Fighter. What's scary about that is the fact that no one that I predicted even came close to the finals. Still, I'm glad Amir won the fights. He's from Forrest's team. On July 5th, Forrest and Quentin will fight it out. I don't know if I'll get to see it, but I want to. The Real World: Hollywood is about the same as ever. Although, it was amusing to watch Sarah get extremely trashed. She acted like every other extremely trashed girl acts. Crying, puking, being annoying as hell, you get the picture. Other than that, it's not the same without Greg. He was a cocky asshole, but he kept things interesting. As for my favorite reality show other than Ultimate Fighter, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila 2, they did a reunion show. All 30 people that were on the show were on it. Of course, only those that made the show interesting were focused on. Like Jay being a loud, obnoxious, asshole. Chad being seen since he headbutted and sucker punched Bo. Then, running his mouth about Bo's mom. The best part of the show was when Bo went after him. If Chad wasn't in a cage, Bo would've kicked the living hell out of him. I respect Bo even more, because it shows that the only reason he didn't fight back, was because he knew Tila wouldn't like that. Also, getting kicked off the show wouldn't help him in his mission. I really hope Tila chooses him. If she doesn't, she's a shallow, immature, little girl and I'll have no problem registering on the A.S.A.L Blog and telling her that. Onto my little reality show that is my life, things at Frenchwoods camp are going alright. Some days are better than others, but overall, I like it. There are some counselors that give me weird looks when I'm emptying the garbage bins or are just too stuck-up to talk to anybody outside their clique. I just think of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies. "Angus, remember these words...SCREW 'EM! Who cares what anybody thinks?" I've been working with Stevie mostly this week. It turns out that he's not a prick. Some of his opinions differ from mine, but overall, he's a good guy. I've been learning how to repair things at the camp. I like most of the guys that I work with. However, we did get this new annoying little bastard. This kid's worthless. All he does, is drive around on the gators and complain all day. Everyone warned me about him and they were right. There's one in every workplace. My grandparents surprised me by showing up, today. I guess my mom was supposed to get a hold of me to let me know, but I never got the message. This Sunday, I get to go home for a day and a half. Unfortunately, that won't be enough time to check up on my friends, but I can get some things that I've been meaning to get. In July, I'll be home mostly on Saturdays. There's one Saturday in particular that I'll be home most of the weekend. It's on 2CW weekend. Danny really wants to go, I really wanna go, so we're going. Then, there's the new Batman movie coming out on July 18th that I've been counting down the days to see. By the looks of things, I'll be here up to the second week of August. Then, I'll have three weeks to hang out with my friends before leaving for Cortland. There's a select few that I'd like to hang out with before I leave. Hopefully they'll have the time to hang out with me before I leave.

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