Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Falling Apart.

Surprisingly, Matt Brown lost his fight last week. There were two fights last week, but I only remember Matt Brown losing. Luckily, my pick is still in the competition. Things haven't been that great, lately. Undertaker lost a career ending match, so who knows if he's really done or not. He got screwed by backstage politics. It wasn't even his fault. Just because they couldn't find him opponents that he could draw money with, they stripped the belt off of him. It's a bunch of crap. To make things worse, things between Denna and I are very awkward. I did end up meeting this Clarissa girl, but the thing is that I'd see her only once a week. That doesn't work for me. I want something more legit than that. I still haven't met Aubry and to be perfectly honest, I want to. I have her number, but she doesn't know that. Unfortunately, that's the only way I'll get to meet her. Kara's pissed at her and Robin thinks she needs to grow up. So, it's up to me to make it happen. I may call Kara to see if her and Aubry have made up. I hope to hell that she has. Getting back to this Denna situation, thanks to me and a few other people, everyone's trying to get involved in our business. I told my friends to drop it and let it go, which they said no problem. However, that little bitch, Bridgette's getting involved now. She's trying to turn my friends against me. Unfortunately, she's not in New York right now, so I can't have her dealt with. Denna's isolating herself from everyone and I'm having a hell of a time trying to contact my boys. I swear it, I'm about to snap again. The last time I snapped, I took a swing at someone. I was able to calm down a bit afterwards, but someone may not be so fortunate this time. On top of all that, this is the month in which Chris Benoit killed his family and himself, plus my grandfather committed suicide 11 years ago around the same time. I still haven't found work yet, my parents have been up my ass about everything, and I've spent the last 5 days home. There's not much that I've been able to look forward to. I'm going away this weekend, but I still have the rest of today, tomorrow, and Thursday to get through. I tried calling my good friend, Stacey to see if she can come hang with me, but like everyone else, I haven't gotten a hold of her. I used to love summer, but this one isn't starting out too good. I've been watching a lot of reality TV as well. I've watched so much of it that I want to start my own. I have an idea of where I want to go with it. It's gonna take a lot of planning and it may not be ready until next year. Also, I really need to finish my story. The one that I've been working on for six years. The computer in my room sucks. It's too damn old to read my zip drive. I'm too damn busy getting things ready for Cortland and doing my wrestling roleplaying to do it on this computer. Basically, dark days have arrived. I need to get out of here before I lose my freakin' mind. God, I'm acting like I did when I first started college. I have a lot of stuff that needs to get done and not too much time to do it. I just want this month to fly by. At least the week can fly by if not the entire month. The sooner August comes, the better off I'll be.

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