Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Unreal World.

I caught the second showing of The Real World: Hollywood. This episode was even more amusing than the others. This guy, Will seems to have a problem sticking with one girl. He says that he only wants one girl, but he flirts around with others. There were two new roommates that were added in this episode. One of them was a dude, who seems alright. The other is a flirtatious girl. She was immediately attracted to Will and the two flirted constantly. Here's the best part of this situation. Both of them have significant others. Will started to back off, but then he tried to act like he's done no wrong. I'm sorry, but he's just as guilty as she is. I think both of them are disloyal little bitches. Still, I'm no angel. It's not the loyalty part that's the problem. It's the fact that I was doing something similar like this back towards the end of March and all through April. It all has to do with Denna. She was attracted to me, but she also liked this Keegan guy. At the time, she was single. Had I known that I was in a competition, I would've tried harder. Instead, she's dating this Keegan guy and trying to hook me up with Kelcie. It was a half-assed effort on her part. That and Kelcie was running with a bad crowd. Now, Kelcie's dating Cody. Around spring break, Denna came to watch WrestleMania 24 with me. After Marcy loosened her up with some shots, things started to heat up. We went down to get her camera, but before she opened the door, she leaned in and we kissed. We did that all night. Kissing led into cuddling, which led into other things. She was being disloyal to Keegan. However, I was reaping the rewards, so I didn't mind it. My conscience went on vacation. Hers did as well. However, hers came back. Mine didn't. We finally stopped doing stuff like that in May. Now, everything's coming back to bite us in our asses. Scott never came to fix the phone, so I haven't gotten a hold of Cody yet. As soon as I do, I'll find out what's going on. Until then, there's not too much I can do. Work wasn't that bad, today. There's this one guy, Stevie. He's about 43 years old. I don't know what it is, but I get bad vibes from him. The thing is, I don't know if he's just busting our balls or if he's just being a prick. My boss, Louie on the other hand, is freakin' awesome. Last night, I met several beautiful girls. I remember some names, but not all of them. I'd like to get to know them better. Some of them I'm farther with than others. If Cody were here, he'd tell me to read the damn books. He found these books about getting women and more importantly, getting laid. Well, I have no interest in getting laid yet, but I do have an interest in getting a girl. I only need one. Two many will lead to headaches. I'm taking June 30th off to take my road test. The third time's the charm. It looks like I'll only have to take one day off, which is great. I won't have to deal with the transportation bullshit that I usually have to put up with. My grandfather said he'd take me back home whenever I needed to. Good thing he offered, because I have a lot of fun plans in July. Things are going alright. Not good, not bad, just alright. If I'm lucky, things will get even better.

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