Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Whole New World, A Whole New Reality

On the Ultimate Fighter, Jesse Taylor has advanced to the finals. The semi-finals are tonight, but I'm gonna miss them. I found a job for the summer. I started last Tuesday. I'm working Maintenance at a summer camp called French Woods. Seth could've worked with me, but he's too much of a lazy ass. Before I left, my parents were up my ass about it. They had a few concerns, but I can take care of business while working here. I'm staying at Scott Schaefer's house. His only rule is that the place remain clean. He doesn't care who I invite up or anything. He's gonna get the phone working tomorrow. As for the people I work with, they're pretty awesome. Aaron, who I met a few weeks ago, doesn't live to far from where I'm staying and he's treated me like gold. This is probably one of the best places I've worked for. Ron Schaefer hasn't been too harsh, but I know what Scott was talking about when he said that earning his father's respect was hard. He's been polite towards me, but whenever I call him sir or thank him for his time, he shows no acknowledgment. Still, he hasn't said anything harsh in my direction. As nice as the house is, it's extremely empty and I have no DVD player yet. So, I spend most of my time at the camp. I'm meeting new people, keeping in touch with my family at home. It's not bad at all. I eat at the camp and pretty-much do everything there. The only thing that I'll have to learn is how to do laundry. I'm still watching a lot of pathetic reality shows. So far on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila 2, Bo's still in the running and Jay's history. Thank god. Jay was everything that Bo said he is. A loud, obnoxious, jackass. I loved it when Tila eliminated him. He pushed things over and had a bitch fit. It was hilarious to watch. Bo's in the finals of that ridiculous show and despite the fact that I think Tila's shallow and immature, I hope he wins it. I know things won't work out if he does win, but it will symbolize that nice guys don't always finish last and he has potential to find true love. By the way...JERSEY SUCKS! Now, onto The Real World: Hollywood. Greg, who's another cocky, obnoxious asshole, was kicked off. This Joey guy returned from rehab and has since been bitching about wanting to drink. The roommates didn't make things easy for him. Going out every night, coming back trashed at 2 AM in the morning. In the end, Joey also left and thank god for that. What a whining bitch that guy was. Now, onto my own reality show. I talked to Denna today. Things aren't going well. Apparently, my boy, Cody has been spreading rumors, which I don't know are true or not. I really could care less about that. What I do care about is the fact that he may still be telling Bridgette about the stuff that Denna and I did. I really hope that's not the case. He should know better. Still, I'm gonna talk to him about it as soon as the phones are fixed.

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