Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Things Used To Be

Things have gone alright, since my visit to BCC. Team Mir still has control, but whatever. Nogueira will destroy Mir when they fight in December. Brock Lesnar beat Randy Couture for the UFC Heavyweight Championship. That really sucks, because I like Randy over Brock. Last week, was very interesting. Later on that same Tuesday that I came to see Kara, something happened. My roommate hung out with Kristi. I actually got to see them kid around a bit. When I first came to Cortland, Kristi told all of the new guys that Whitaker Hall (my dorm building) was like a big family. My roommate said that it was awesome. This semester, things haven't been good for him. His girlfriend has forbidden him to hang out with Kristi. I guess they were really close, last semester. Like how Ashley and I used to be our first year at BCC. Like how Robin and I are now. Before I continue with the story, I'm gonna side track a bit. Joe's girlfriend, Alicia is really starting to irritate me. She complains about EVERYTHING! Not only that, but she's constantly bossing Joe around and I don't go for that crap. Thanksgiving break's coming up and I'm calling all of my lady friends up, so I can hang out with them. I'm gonna hang out with Stephanie at one point. She really wants to hang out with me, which is somewhat surprising. We've hung out before, but I think she really does miss me. I miss her too. I told Joe and Alicia about that and Joe smirked slyly. I informed them that she was engaged. Alicia said: "what is it with you and married girls?" Basically, implying what happened with Denna earlier this year. I told her calmly nothing was gonna happen, but she was like, "If you did it once, you'll do it again." She really doesn't know me. I shrugged it off, but she had no place making a comment like that. Anyways, I think I saw a shell of Joe's former self on Tuesday. He looked happier than he's been in months. It was a nice change. It gave me a glimpse of what things were like, last semester. I basically told both of them, that they don't have to worry about me letting anything slip to Alicia. Joe admitted that he hasn't really been himself, this semester due to all of this. He claims to be happy with Alicia, but he wants to be with Kristi. If it were anybody else, I'd probably have ripped into them, but Joe's not a prick. I gave him the best advice that I could offer him. I told him that he needs to do what's best for him. On Friday, it was Kristi's birthday. I made it a point to stop by her dorm and wish her a happy birthday. We talked for about ten minutes. It turns out that during the course of the semester, we've become close. I don't know exactly how close, but we give hugs, now. Kristi's one of those people that can brighten up your day without even realizing it. If I were Joe, I'd know exactly what to do. I'd dump the complaining, immature, little girl and I'd date Kristi immediately, before it's too late. However, I don't know how much him and Alicia have gone through in their year and a half of dating each other. According to him, they've been through a lot. Still, I know just as well as anybody that things change and people change. A shining example of this would be Ashley and me. At the time, I thought we'd be best friends forever. I also thought that eventually, her and I would be dating. I was wrong on both counts. Ever since she's been with that other guy, things haven't really been the same. You look at us both and you'd never have realized that one point, we were extremely close. Hell, we were inseparable. I wish things had turned out differently, but nothing lasts forever. If I were to predict how Joe's scenario was going to spread out, it would be this. He'd finally have had enough of Alicia's crap and dump her. He'd tell Kristi that he broke up with Alicia and they could finally be together. She'd give him a sad look and tell him that it was too late, she found someone else. He'd say he understood, but it would still eat away at him. He'd watch as Kristi walked away from him with her new boyfriend. As for me, I'd watch from the distance and shake my head. This is just a prediction. I don't really know if this is how it'll all fold out. But, that's been my luck. It's happened so many times, I've lost count. I know this much. Not everyone's gonna be happy at the end of this story. So, it looks like this story will not have a happy ending. This whole thing is in Joe's hands right now and he knows it. The ball's in his court. We'll just have to see what happens.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Seeing Kara

I went back to BCC, this afternoon. Last week, there was another incident between Nate and Kara. The soonest that I was able to get a ride to BCC was today. I will admit that when I first heard what happened, I wanted to kick Nate's head in. This is what I heard. I heard that Nate flipped out and threw a chair in Kara's direction. The chair didn't hit her, but it extremely scared her. Kara pleaded that I wouldn't go after Nate and she had a pretty good argument. In the end, I promised her that I wouldn't go after him, despite how much I wanted to. I was actually supposed to go to BCC yesterday, but Zimmer didn't get his video recorded in time. So, I showed up around 3:50pm, today. Kara's been wanting to see me for months now. Finally, we were able to hang out for a while. Zimmer and Cummings said that if Nate did anything that I didn't like, they'd "have a talk with him." Surprisingly, things didn't get ugly. In fact, Nate apologized for not just the harm he caused to Kara, but for the whole situation involving Denna. I accepted the apology and asked him very calmly to keep his emotions in check. He wants to start off clean and I see no reason why not. However, the next time someone gets hurt because of his actions, then the gloves are off and I'm taking action. Unfortunately, I could only hang around for an hour. I did promise Kara that I'd come back real soon. Hanging out with Kara today seemed different from the times that we hung out back in April and May. I can't explain it, but there was definitely something different. Both of us are single, but I'm not sure if that's it. It could be just because I haven't been around in so long. I hated BCC with a passion when I was going there, but I did meet a lot of cool people over there. Unfortunately, most of them were gone, today. I'd like to stop by there when I have more time to see them. I'm thinking about going there on my Thanksgiving break. I get out a day before they do. Today, I would've loved to have hung out for a little longer, but I had to leave when Zimmer and Cummings wanted to leave. I know that I'll have plenty of time in December. I get out a few weeks before they do. So, I plan on stopping in when I know all of them will be there. I'm pretty content in Cortland, but it was nice to have gotten away for a few hours. I know Kara really wanted to see me and I couldn't just stay at Cortland when something like that happened. My only regret is that I couldn't get there sooner.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Shut Up and Fight

There was too much grab-assing on the Ultimate Fighter, last night. More pranks than there was training. Every once and a while, a good prank is entertaining, but they're just getting more and more ridiculous. If you're on the Ultimate Fighter, you need to understand that you're there to fight and earn that six figure contract. You're not there to act like a freakin' sophomore. I was slightly disappointed with Team Nogueira. They really shouldn't have been eating anything that wasn't theirs. So, when Team Mir pissed in the next fruit bowl, I thought that was a good way to teach them a lesson. I thought that would be it for the pranks for this week. Man, was I wrong. Phillipe Nover's opponent for this week had been eating his sushi, since week 2. So, to teach HIM a lesson, a guy from Team Nogueira jerked off in the sushi and sure enough, Kaplan ate it. I'm sorry, but this is starting to get pathetic. A prank or two is fun and helps keep the audience entertained, but there's no place for an entire season of pranks on a fighting show. Krysztof Soszynski started the pranks and although they were entertaining at first, I'd just rather they stopped. Krysztof should be focusing on winning the contract instead of pulling pranks in the house. He gets to fight, next week. We'll see just how badly he wants it. Also, Team Mir was shown just sitting around during a training session. Junie and Shane were the only ones actually training. Junie was getting frustrated that the rest of his team weren't doing anything. I don't really like Junie, but he had a point. Even Frank Mir was sitting on his ass and he's a coach. When Junie started throwing a fit in the gym, Mir was laughing. Every week, I start to dislike Mir more and more. Kind of like when Matt Hughes was a coach for season 2. At first, I didn't mind the coaches. Then, they starting acting like assholes. I can't wait to watch Nogueira kick Mir's ass in December. Junie was talking to Team Nogueira and he straight up told Nover that Kaplan's jiu-jitsu wasn't that superior. Now, I really can't stand Junie, but I was applauding him. I think that really lifted Nover's confidence and he ended up choking Kaplan out in the first round. Team Nogueira's even with Team Mir in wins again. Personally, I'm very disappointed in this season. I can't put my finger on it, but there's definitely something missing that the other seasons had. I just want the damn season to be over, so Season 9 can start. Mike Bispin has already been announced as one of the coaches. No clue who the other coach is, but if I were asked who I'd LIKE to see as a coach, I'd say either Rashad Evans or Stephan Bonner.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Back in Candor

I know it's a bit late with the feedback from the last episode of The Ultimate Fighter, but with Halloween being on Friday, my time was short as it was. I was really pulling for Team Nogueira. Is it just me or is everyone on Team Mir a cocky asshole? It was Antonio Nogueira's birthday, so his team made him dinner and two birthday cakes. Some of the guys on Team Mir said in their confessionals about how this whole "Team Nogueira being a family" was pathetic. I swear it...if both winners are on Team Mir, I'm gonna be pissed. Team Nogueira may be behind as of right now, but at least they have class. I don't know exactly what happened, but Team Nogueira informed Antonio that someone on Team Mir was talking shit about him. I honestly don't know how true that was. It certainly wouldn't surprise me. Well, Nogueira approached the guy accused of running his mouth and told him in Brazilian, that they were now enemies. The guy argued and attempted to defend himself, but Nogueira wasn't hearing any of it. Unfortunately, that guy did win his fight and Team Mir still has control. Hopefully, this week'll be a good week for Team Nogueira. That's about it for the UFC action, last week. Friday was Halloween. Now, as I've stated countless times before, Seth still acts like a 6 year old. So, of course HE'D wanna go trick-or-treating with his 2-year-old sister. Since I was gonna stay the weekend at their place, I had to go with them as well. I think Shaun Cummings said it best, "I'm a 23 year old grown-ass man. I don't dress up for Halloween, anymore." Well, unfortunately I had no choice in the matter. It was embarrassing as all hell. Fortunately, that's not all we did for Halloween. Seth's mom dropped us off at Aaron and Marcy's afterwards. I could tell they missed me, because they kept poking fun at me and they also kept feeding me shots. I got pretty hammered. The next day, we all had to go to this farm for this Halloween festival thing. That was boring for the most part. Later, I dragged Seth to the ECPW show. I was pleasantly surprised with the way it turned out. It was much better than their first show in Binghamton. In fact, I'm really looking forward to their Cortland show that they're putting on, December 5th. My view on the promoter has changed. The first show in Binghamton was a disaster and I thought that Gino was mostly at fault. Everything was disorganized and piss-poorly done. However, Gino made it up to the fans and in my book, that really means something. That show was awesome, last night. I was even fortunate to get Gino's autograph. Zimmer's always inviting me to ride up with him and Shaun when they go to New Jersey at Gino's home. I may take them up on that offer. Now that I know that Gina actually does know what he's doing, I'd like to get to know him better.