Sunday, November 2, 2008

Back in Candor

I know it's a bit late with the feedback from the last episode of The Ultimate Fighter, but with Halloween being on Friday, my time was short as it was. I was really pulling for Team Nogueira. Is it just me or is everyone on Team Mir a cocky asshole? It was Antonio Nogueira's birthday, so his team made him dinner and two birthday cakes. Some of the guys on Team Mir said in their confessionals about how this whole "Team Nogueira being a family" was pathetic. I swear it...if both winners are on Team Mir, I'm gonna be pissed. Team Nogueira may be behind as of right now, but at least they have class. I don't know exactly what happened, but Team Nogueira informed Antonio that someone on Team Mir was talking shit about him. I honestly don't know how true that was. It certainly wouldn't surprise me. Well, Nogueira approached the guy accused of running his mouth and told him in Brazilian, that they were now enemies. The guy argued and attempted to defend himself, but Nogueira wasn't hearing any of it. Unfortunately, that guy did win his fight and Team Mir still has control. Hopefully, this week'll be a good week for Team Nogueira. That's about it for the UFC action, last week. Friday was Halloween. Now, as I've stated countless times before, Seth still acts like a 6 year old. So, of course HE'D wanna go trick-or-treating with his 2-year-old sister. Since I was gonna stay the weekend at their place, I had to go with them as well. I think Shaun Cummings said it best, "I'm a 23 year old grown-ass man. I don't dress up for Halloween, anymore." Well, unfortunately I had no choice in the matter. It was embarrassing as all hell. Fortunately, that's not all we did for Halloween. Seth's mom dropped us off at Aaron and Marcy's afterwards. I could tell they missed me, because they kept poking fun at me and they also kept feeding me shots. I got pretty hammered. The next day, we all had to go to this farm for this Halloween festival thing. That was boring for the most part. Later, I dragged Seth to the ECPW show. I was pleasantly surprised with the way it turned out. It was much better than their first show in Binghamton. In fact, I'm really looking forward to their Cortland show that they're putting on, December 5th. My view on the promoter has changed. The first show in Binghamton was a disaster and I thought that Gino was mostly at fault. Everything was disorganized and piss-poorly done. However, Gino made it up to the fans and in my book, that really means something. That show was awesome, last night. I was even fortunate to get Gino's autograph. Zimmer's always inviting me to ride up with him and Shaun when they go to New Jersey at Gino's home. I may take them up on that offer. Now that I know that Gina actually does know what he's doing, I'd like to get to know him better.

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